
Saturday, January 13, 2007

Stash Busting

This year I mean it. This year I'm really going to be serious about limiting my buying. I did OK most of last year, but the few times I fell off the no-buy wagon I fell very hard. Now I have two stacks of fabric waiting to be prewashed and no place on the shelves to put it. All kidding outside, this need to own all the new lines I love has become a real problem. I've not put us into debt, I've not taken the food from our mouths, I've not spent money we didn't have - but I've bought much I really didn't need. I have enough for at least five lifetimes! So this year I'm really knuckling down. I've rejoined Stashbusters. I have a pact with my friend Kathie in New Jersey. I've cancelled my charm club and not signed up for any blocks-of-the-month. I've joined the UFO challenge both in my guild and on Stashbusters. I've also joined the WHIMM challenge - that is to start making the quilts I bought kits and/or fabric specifically so I could make them. I've set a very worthwhile goal - to save enough money to allow me to retire at the end of the year. That is a certainly a goal worth striving for!

Kim at
A Peach in Stitches has posted a great "No Buy" button for January. Kim is always so generous at sharing her creativity! I've tried to post the button on my sidebar but somewhere I've messed up the HTML code. I'll keep working at it - in the meantime you'll know that's what that funny thing is below my goals for the year.

Badge from
A Peach in Stitches


  1. Your new blog looks great Patti...

  2. i'm also joining in with the "no buy" for January. I plan to use as much of my stash as possible to finish my UFOs.

  3. Maybe somebody should start AA for quilters. "Hi, my name is_____ and I am a fabriholic." Lol.

  4. seems to be a theme this last week - blog posts about stashbusting - I am pulling for you!

  5. Wow! Your buckling down! I"ve only done it for 2 months now and I"m having such a hard time!

  6. One of my goals last year was to only buy fabric I absolutly needed to finish projects that I was working on. I mostly stuck to it. So I renewed that goal. Yet yesterday I went in serch of jewel purple for my Mother's life quilt. I had nothing that would do.

  7. You can also add me to the list of NO buy...but I will try to go as far as possible this entire year!

    I have the big quilt show at the end of February that will be the last purchases for me and even then it will only be fill in fabrics and things to complete quilts.

    So do tell Patti how you got it all on the side bar! Feel free to email me if you'd like. I was happy to see the rings went in with no trouble either...that's hope me me too!

  8. I hope that your blogging problems will be behind you, Patti with the new one set up. (Keep them both bookmarked though and in my feed list)

    You know we will cheer you on with your goals, Patti and won't scold you too much should you fall off the wagon. Being able to retire at the end of the year should be all the incentive you need!!!

    I am saying that as one you hasn't been back to work for almost 10 years. It is amazing how full your days will be even once you retire. I know those two grandbabies will need lots of hugs and kisses from their Nana so what better time?

  9. Hi, Patti! I feel very overwhelmed by my UFOs and have decided my best bet is not to look at the Big UFO Picture but to nibble away at the edges, finishing one at a time for several months in 2007. What do you do for your Guild UFO Challenge?

  10. Your sidebar made me just a tad bit queasy... WOW!! That's a lot of lofty goals! Do ya mind if I just sit back and watch it happen? I wouldn't even know where to begin such a huge undertaking, but I am so proud of you that you are going for it! Best of luck and here's to clearing out those projects!
