
Friday, January 12, 2007

Just about at the end of my rope

I've been so bummed that I can't move to the new version of Blogger. Since almost everyone has already moved, I can't reply to almost all the comments that are left on my blog. They all show as "anonymous-no reply". Likewise, I guess that's the way I show up when I reply on the blogs of everyone who has been able to change. For that reason I've started putting my email address at the bottom of comments I leave - at least whenever I remember to do so.

I am just this close (can you see me holding my thumb and forefinger about 1/8" apart?) to giving up and just creating a new blog. In fact, I have created a new blog - it's called "Quilting is Still My Passion". I've written one post but that's it. I thought I could just cut and paste everything on my sidebar onto the new one, but apparently it doesn't work quite that easily. At least I couldn't figure out where to paste my HTML. There are tools for making lists that look great - but that means I'll have to type everything all over again. I'm just not sure I want to spend my time doing that right now. So for now I'll still do my main posting here while I work on building the other one. My user name there is "hardenbrook girl", so if you see that on a comment on your blog you'll know it's still me. I'll be sure to let everyone know if and when I do switch to the new one for good. Even then I won't delete this one in case anyone has any desire to see what I've written in the past.

Many of you left comments in the last day or two that need replies, so here they are:

Helen, a UFT is an "unfinished top" and a "flimsie" is a finished top ready for quilting.

Judy, the blocks aren't sewn together yet - thankfully - so I don't have to do any frogging. I've already fixed the bottom right corner - wanted to make sure I didn't "sew in the mistake".

Swooze, the pattern I'm using is from the "Early Spring, 1991" issue of Quiltmaker. And I don't actually have the pattern. All I have is the picture, the yardage amounts, and the cutting directions (though they call for using templates that I don't have). I'd saved the pattern for a baby quilt with bunnies, and this quilt was pictured on the back side of the last page of that pattern. My son and daughter-in-law chose this quilt above all the cute baby quilt patterns I'd saved over the years. Luckily this isn't a complicated pattern - it's made from half square triangle squares and flying geese units - so I just sketched a block out on graph paper and took it from there.

Judy, we can see lots of mountains from here, but the temperatures you mention must be for areas on the other side of the mountains. I don't ever remember it going below 8 degrees in the 59 years of my life. Winters are usually very mild. When it gets very cold it's almost always clear, and the daytime highs are in the high 20's and low 30's. Not a bone chilling cold at all.

Quilt Pixie, I used to have a Polaroid camera before I got the digital. It was for nothing but taking pictures of quilts under construction. The cost of the film was just TOO high. But it really did help (1) find layout mistakes and (2) helped me remember various layouts while I tried to decide how to set blocks together.


  1. blogger will eventually start to play nice again... just hang in there....

  2. I thought it was all going to end when they said 'beta' had ended. Now it seems to be new vs. old. Hopefully it will all be one big happy blogger soon. I think everyone is in the boat with you *s*

  3. I haven't switched over. I wonder if eventually we'll be forced to. Hmmm... now you have me thinking. I resist change :)

  4. I can't switch over either. Always tells me my blog is too big or too many comments. So I"m just hanging in there! Happy Weekend!

  5. Sorry you're having trouble Patti. They'll find a way to get you over to the new system.

  6. You had the same issues I had when I decided on a whim to switch at about 4pm one night...not a good choice at the moment. I like my things on the side bar and it was arduous to type each item in there...eventually I went back because we could not get the Maverick link to work AT ALL. Hubby has since figured it out and tested it and I saw we had a new person on the ring who has the new template too and copied her version of the code. Dawn also sent me a different version too. If you have troubles I can send you the version Hubby got to work.

    I liked the new template, but like you said, it will take some time to type all those lists in there. No matter, I knew you were hardenbrook girl, and I've been just replying and adding the name from my adress book and deleteing No-reply comment. You do what you have to do and we will adjust. I would think they should get everyone moved over at some point.

    Now...I'm sure that our weather map was wrong. The guy is horrid at predicting anything. Plus it just shows the swirls across the states and the temps so who knows how accurate that really is...especially if it's dependant on the worst weather guy around!

    I've been covetting those markers and hope to find them at the quilt show in February. I use post-its but they aren't as cool as the pre-marked thingy's! The quilt is looking fabulous! Can't wait to see it sewn together!
