
Monday, January 1, 2007

Here's to a marvelous quilty 2007

I couldn't let the first day of the new year go by without posting something on my blog - even if I have nothing quilty to report. Kim at Pieces of Old has heard that whatever you do on the first day of the year is what you'll spend the rest of the year doing. She washed and ironed a lot of fabric - I could live with that! I did laundry, put away Christmas things and puttered a bit - certainly not how I want to live 2007! I did - and still am - spending quite a bit of time reading email and blogs - and I know I'll be doing a lot of that in 2007!

I didn't get to sew at all today - and probably won't now because I want to catch up on all the blogs. Everyone has certainly been "chatty" at the start of this year - a very good thing in my mind! I love reading about what everyone accomplished last year and what they want to do this next year. I keep finding new blogs to read - my bloglines list is now up to 176! And I want to keep commenting, because to me that's half the fun. I'm so glad I can read blogs on my breaks at work - otherwise I'd have no time to quilt.

Tomorrow I'll be up early and heading to the sewing room where I'll spend most of the day. I do have to run to the bakery to get a cake - Tangled Threads is at my house tomorrow and we will be celebrating Liz's birthday. She turned 60 today!

1. Quilty friends near and far - I list that often but I'm so grateful for each and every one of you!
2. A bare house devoid of decorations - ready for the cleaners tomorrow.
3. The cleaners who come every other week - the best present I've ever given myself!
4. A big pot of turkey frame soup
5. Carolan's in tiny liquor glasses to sip slowly, savoring every drop


  1. you can start a new year any day you want -- so if what you did today isn't how you want to spend the year, think of your year as starting and ending on Jan 2, or 3 or 15.... :-)

  2. Happy New Year! I spent Jan 1 A) looking at houses with my son & husband. Son is still hoping to find something & B) starting on WA State Tax data. I surely hope I don't spend the rest of the year on taxes.

    On another note: I think Sophie's quilt will be very striking. I can't wait to see it finished.

  3. I enjoy reading you too, Patti. (Left a response to your comment on my New Year's post.) Your day tomorrow sounds very promising--and fun!

  4. Happy New Year Patti! Do you know I also spent the day washing and ironing - but it wasn't fabric, more's the pity!

  5. Jan 1 was spent feeding about 20 people. I hope that is not what I will be doing the rest of the year, much as I love them all! I did do some walking so maybe enough exrcise is in store. Hopefully. Have a great 2007!

  6. No stitches in for me either. We had another full house...but I won't complain. It was all good. :o)

    Happy New Year!!

  7. enjoy your extra day - I am off to work but I did spend a bit of time cutting out some pieces for a wall quilt I am making with the primitive applique group - I am ready for an evening of tv and applique

  8. Oh, I spent a quiet day with my needle and thread. Ah, handapplique, my new love, thanks to your encouragement and guidance!

  9. I got in lots of stitches while watching the Rose Parade and Bowl game. In between, we managed to clean up the house. Along with an empty laundry hamper I'm feeling pretty darned good about '07 so far.

  10. well i sorted through fabric yesterday, and boxed up some to give away. Maybe that means my stash will get much smaller in 2007. Not sure how I feel about a whole year of giving away fabric : )

  11. I had a very slow lazy start to the year as well. I don't mind the lazy part, but then who is going to pay the bills?
    My bloglines list keeps growing and growing, and I guess quilters are just a chatty bunch because most of the blogs post frequently. It is fun to see what everybody is up to, but sometimes I have to tear myself away so I can get some sewing done so I can have something to report myself!

  12. I hope Kim is wrong because I spent New Year's day doing absolutely NOTHING. I was just pouting because I had to go back to work the next day and trying to rest up from the too busy holiday season.
