
Monday, December 11, 2006

At a standstill . . . .

Other than getting all our everyday dishes tucked away and our Christmas/Winter dishes out, plus unpacking a couple big tubs, I've done no decorating since last Wednesday. I was so hoping to finish it all this last weekend - instead I've got a table full of Christmas decorations that need to find their "homes" and two unopened tubs sitting in the living room. I had one last customer quilt to finish by this week, as it's a gift and the maker still needs to bind it. She wanted custom quilting instead of an all over pattern, and it took me all weekend to finish it. I went to bed last night with sore feet, legs, arms and shoulders but also the satisfaction of knowing it is done. That's it - if anyone else asks if I can quilt something for them before Christmas the answer will be "NO!"

Tonight we'll spend at Rick's and Rebecca's - we had to switch from the usual Wednesday because they had another commitment on the 13th. Tomorrow night is Tangled Threads, so finally on Wednesday evening I should be able to get most of the rest of the decorating done.

I checked Jan Patek's website today to see whether her December notes were up, because I knew they'd contain a picture of the completed mystery quilt that I've been working on all year. This time I was rewarded, as you can see. This is a picture of the finished quilt directly off her website - not mine. I still have to do the November and December blocks, and I've not yet received December's kit. I love the way this quilt looks, and it was so much fun to make! The December blocks are the two largest pieced stars near the middle of the quilt. This month's kit will also include the plaids for the spacer blocks and the borders. I can hardly wait to get this one all finished and ready to quilt!


1. Long, roomy jumpers - even if they are WAY out of style.
2. Hearing a treasured Christmas carol sung the way it was written - with all the verses.
3. Good neighbors
4. Extra chunky peanut butter
5. Snacks packaged in 100 calorie packs



  1. Patti. love your gratitude for packaged snacks. my dh and I love those. we each get one with a cup of tea while watching tv. having them prepackaged keeps me from overindulging!! love your christmas decorations. we are almost finished and I will post a few of our 8 trees! and some favorite decorations.

    BTW keep up the good work with WW. I do a daily weigh in too. keeps me honest!LOL

  2. You have MORE decorations, LOL! Wow! Your house is looking very Christmas-y already. I have very few..., but try to put some things out for my Little Boy. In Austria the tree is not put up until Christmas Eve though... but the Advent calendar is big!



  3. I am nuts about the 100 calorie snacks. I know they cost more and I could do that myself with a ziploc bag and a little portion control on my part...but it won't happen when they make it so easy.
    I love the mystery...can't wait to see your's. Hope she publishes the pattern.

  4. you sure you don't want another quilt to do for a customer before Chrsitmas :-) hahah

  5. Oh -- I love to sing all the verses, but no one else ever wants to play along *s*

  6. how exciting to see what this quilt will be looking like - mine is laid out on my daughter's bedroom floor but will need to be moved on the 24th so she can come home for a quick visit. maybe I will get my December kit this week and can actually get those blocks together during Christmas break

  7. I've only known about Jan Patek's quilts since reading blogs and I really like this one! I think my favourite quilts are now ones with both piecing and applique in them.

  8. Do you know the name of the blue background with white triangles block? (both on the right side...) I am thinking that might be a candidate for my indigos & shirtings.... (Because those baby baskets will not use up my stash...)

  9. This is really a wonderful quilt! Very pretty and so warm. I can't wait to see yours all done and completed!

  10. Oh this is a great BOM from her! I jsut love it! Can't wait to see yours!
