
Thursday, November 16, 2006

On a roll now . . .

I'm so happy to report that I finished yet another top! This one was easy to finish - I completed the appliqué some time ago. I can't remember just when, and I'm too lazy to look up the post - sometime last summer I think. This is a little quilt - about 16" x 22" - designed by René Plains. It's from an old American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. I took a half day class from René in 2001 at the same festival where I took the Jo Morton class. René is known for her traditional little quilt patterns, most of which include a cloth doll that "goes" with the quilt. I have quite a few of her patterns, and this is the second I've done. "Little Wren" is also a René Plains pattern - that's what I call the next to last quilt in this post.

The only part of this quilt that I had left to complete was the bottom border of squares and four patches.occurredcured to me as I looked at the piece that I didn't need to pull a bunch of fabrics from my stash to cut what I needed. I have a large plastic shoebox full of 2 1/2" pieces, and lots and lots of 1 1/2" strips that could easily have 1 1/2" squares cut from them. So I did some digging, chose quickly, and had it all finished before I had to start dinner. I probably would have chdifferenternet fabrics I if I'd pulled from the stash and put a lot more thought into it - but I think it's good in a way that I didn't. This makes the bottom border much more spontaneous, and it still fits well with the rest of the piece.

I love the design of this little quilt because it is such a great example of folk art. Where else would you see such a huge bouquet arranged in such a tiny little pot? That's a trademark of folk art - sizes that don't relate to each other - like a crow almost as big as a house perched on the roof. I was just learning about folk art when I took the class and, as in the Jo Morton project, I would have chosen much different fabrics today. I now prefer a much greater variety of fabrics for the appliqué. I like this design well enough that I just might do it again one of these days.

I took a look at the goals for November that I listed on my sidebar, and discovered I've hardly worked on a single one of them and the month is half over. I decided that's OK because I've still been working - it's just that other projects have been calling to me.

I've taken out another UFT to work on - an old Country Threads pattern called "Somebody's Home". I started this in a class at Country Dry Goods in Canby Oregon - another of my favorite quilt shops. I did the house using invisible machine appliqué - the freezer paper and glue stick method. I used DMC machine embroidery thread on the top and the narrowest blanket stitch my machine will do. I tricked the machine by using the double needle setting with a single needle - which makes a stitch only half as wide as the narrowest stitch. The stitches are virtually invisible - one must look really closely and know what one is looking for in order to see them. I'll finish it with hand appliqué just because I need a good carry along project rather than a "sit at the machine" project. I still need to appliqué a star in the night sky, then below the house are blocks with more stars, a pineapple (for hospitality) a spotted dog and a tree. Scrappy borders go all around the finished piece - flying geese on the left, squares and four patches on the bottom, half square triangle squares on the right and a mix of all three on the top. I think this will be lots of fun to finish, and it shouldn't take all that long. I'm hoping I can have the top done by Sunday night.

I'm really looking forward to next week. I working only Monday and Tuesday, then I have 5 days off in a row. We're having Thanksgiving dinner at the home of one of my Tangled Threads friends, then the kids are all coming here for dinner and games on Friday. I should make great progress on my November goals during that time, as well as quilting the two customer quilts waiting for my attention.


  1. Hope you have a great time with friends and family over the Thanksgiving holiday -- good company, good food, some games and a little quilting. Sounds perfect to me *s*

  2. You're doing a great job finishing up some of your UFO's. Don't worry if they're not this month's goals, these projects are simply not becoming part of another month's list!

  3. That's it - I'm coming to visit you! :-) You are definitely on a major roll. Way to go, Patti.

  4. Nothing motivates me more than getting things finished either to the finished top stage or finished quilt. The 4 patches look great and I love the house. Can't wait to see that one finished.

  5. I love your folk art blocks

  6. Go, Patti, go! Great job in finishing. I love Renee Plains and have several of her patterns. Lucky you to have gotten a class with her AND Jo!!!

  7. Renee is wonderful...I love your top. The Country threads one is great also. Will you go into a bit more detail on your machine applique...another tutorial maybe. Your method sounds great. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week! Sounds perfect to me!

  8. you really are on a roll - I get so inspired when I stop by to read your blog - I should do in the evening when I get home from work instead of the morning when it is time to leave

  9. I have your first WIP as a WIP also!!! LOL I just need to add the borders that you just finished. :) Your house block is wonderful! I do love those Country Threads patterns...bunches of their books...and not a quilt made from any of them---yet!! LOL Wonderful tip on the double-needle, Patti!

  10. Isn't it fun when you get on a roll?! Great job! Can you tell us about your design wall? I can see your grid. How large is it? Ineed to make one up for my room.

  11. Oh I really like both of these pieces so much!! I haven't done a lot of the Primitive style of applique and I am going to start doing a few. I am almost done with my applique quilt and I would be so unhappy with nothing to hand sew!

    These types of things are the right sort of piece. The look is just perfectly primitive. I can't wait to see how the house turns out with it's borders!!

  12. Oh I love both of them! I have the Country Threads pattern and have been wanting to do it. I especially love the house. Hope you get lots done and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  13. Patty, you are doing fabulous! I love them both! Great job!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
