
Saturday, November 25, 2006

I have no self discipline

When it comes to my quilting. It's a good thing I don't depend on an income from quilting to pay our bills. On the other hand if I did I might be able to find the self discipline. Instead of going upstairs and quilting a customer quilt I decided to clean the sewing room first. It wasn't very messy at all so I figured it would take little time. All was done, and the few triangles I'd cut for the border for Somebody's Home were sitting there waiting, as were a few pieces of fabric I'd left out for the border. I was in the middle of watching an old Masterpiece Theatre presentation that is 15 episodes long - Jewel in the Crown. So I put my best intentions aside and started the border. After all, I still have all day tomorrow to do the quilting. It took me the rest of the day today, but I finished the border about the same time I finished the last episode. It's a grand feeling - finishing another top and crossing another UFT (unfinished top) of my list. I really do like how this turned out - I think the border adds a great deal.

No more excuses tomorrow - I'll be up early and upstairs quilting. As soon as I finish cleaning the sewing room. Shouldn't take too long to put the fabrics away that currently clutter the cutting table. I really mean it this time - there isn't another project out to distract me. Besides, I need the paycheck from that quilt because my trip to Schenck's depleted my business account. Nothing like money to motivate one!


  1. Love the border treatment!!! Good luck today on finishing the customer quilt. Work has a way of still being there!!!

  2. Patti, it's a BEAUTY ! You always have such an eye for colors !

    Hugs and smiles,

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation, even though you got distracted. I love the borders on your quilt. It is so much better than just a plan border.

  4. Love those flying geese---

  5. Great 'scrappy style, scrappy fabrics' border, it really does add a lot. These days I'm paying attention to borders and the differences they may.

  6. differences they MAKE, not may.....whoops!

  7. Love it and I can see why it distracted you and kept you sewing. LOL

  8. Who among us has self-discipline all the time?
    Your border is great on the Somebody's Home quilt. I love that scrappy random look.

  9. This is a beauty! And so warm and friendly, like HOME ought to be. Regarding the self-discipline -- sometimes I think 'quilting' is all about NOT self-discipline -- we are totally FREE to do what we want, when we want to, and how we want to. Quilting is NOT self-discipline, but FREEDOM. Of course, the 'customer aspect' modifies my explanation somewhat!

    I am NOT a supported of having everything in it's proper place - a pile of fabric all jumbled together suggests so many more possibilities.

  10. The border does really add to it. I still love that house on it! This one is just awesome and plain fun!

    Dawn - who could be sewing and actually has time but is sick with a terrible cold and just can't move!

  11. You will get it done but sometimes you have to go with what you "feel" like doing instead of what you "should" be working on. Now you got it out of your system and do the customer's quilt.

    I know where in I speak after slogging through the t-shirt and commissioned quilt tops. I still gotta quilt'em but there is another deadline to deal with first. SIGH. I want to finish up that redwork Santa but ain't happenin'

  12. I agree, the borders finish it off very nicely :-) When the urge gets you, you just gotta do what you gotta do LOL

  13. It's turned out so beautiful!! I liked it from the start and the more you get done the better I like it!

    I think this is what scared me when I thought about quilting for others...wanting to do something else and having to finish a customer quilt and not wanting to do it. I'd end up angry mad at myself for putting things off. Glad you got working and got it done quickly enough!

  14. I agree those borders really add to this top and it turned out very nice Patti!
    well done-

  15. The borders are great! You are just humming along here.
