
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Clarification from the last post plus auction info

I need to clarify something from my last post. The pictures are NOT my customer quilt. The customer quilt I did is an oriental fabric bento box quilt in greens, red-oranges, golds and blacks. I've not even taken a picture of it yet - I need to do that. The quilt in the pictures is one of mine from a long time ago.

Cheryl, I have a Proto with the Stitch Wizard, hence the name "Gandalf". Here is the post where I talk about "him". I really love this machine, and recommend it highly. For one thing, it's priced several thousand dollars less than either the APQS or Gammill machines. My rep is fantastic, which is really, really important.

I keep forgetting to report on the Northwest Medical Teams auction. In the end I decided not to go - I was on a roll so I stayed home and sewed. I've not heard final numbers, but the live auction netted about $30,000. The silent auction and other donations usually at least double the figure. The last quilt went for the most - $2200. It was an all-wool quilt made by a group of firemen. They made a video showing how the quilt came to be, which was shown before the bidding for the quilt began. Our quilt, the first one in this post, brought $1000. That's the amount we decided we'd be happy if we got, so we were satisfied, even though we'd hoped for more.

Back to work tomorrow - I need to head to bed!


  1. Guess I missed the story of the quilts origins but no matter--still a lovely quilt with lots of pretty quilting.

    Good news on your NW Medical Team auction quilt too! It can sometimes be a crap shoot on those things. My friend Joy made a stunning Log Cabin once and it only went for 400 dollars at the Salvation Army Guys and Dolls auction---a shame really as it was worth far more than that. Probably the last one she donated after that.

  2. Hi Patti
    did you get enough snow to stay home from work? sounds like quite the winterwonderland down your way

  3. Hi Patti, those are awesome amounts of money to be raised from the quilts!!!
    I love the older quilt you show below here in your Done is a good thing post.
    It doesn't have the look of some of the patterns that are current..and for me, that is always a good thing!! Love those old tried and true patterns and blocks. It's very attractive. Glad it got to see the light of day again, but I always understand how easy it is to put off the last little bits..*VBS* Hugs, Finn

  4. Hi Patti,
    Thank you for all the nice comments you left on my blog. Yours is wonderful, very interesting, and I love all you are sewing ! We have the same tastes ! I will often come back to visit you.

  5. What great news on the auction. Did you get snowed in. We were watching the game last night and couldn't believe the amount of snow you all were getting. Snow Day!

  6. Patti, the quilt you showed in your last post is gorgeous. And it's been fun reading about all that you do. I'm in the midst of cleaning the first half of my week off, then hoping to sew the 2nd half. Of course, my sewing room will probably take 2 days to clean, so I don't see it getting completely done! hehe

  7. hurray for getting the customer quilt done. I hope you fit in the hand quilting time to finish that quilt-it's quite lovely.

  8. You should be proud of how much you raised for the charity - 1K is a lot of money! I like the idea of some firemen sitting around making a quilt!
