
Saturday, November 18, 2006

2006 Goals

I don't imagine anyone has noticed - unless you are paying more attention that I figure you probably are - but as this year has progressed I've deleted one 2006 quilting goal after another. I started out with four, then three, then two and now just one. I don't even remember what #4 was I crossed it off so long ago - knowing within the first couple months of the year that it wasn't going to happen. Goal #3 - use up more fabric that I bought - stayed up a little longer but not much. Just wasn't going to happen - especially with me concentrating on UFO's. Goal #2 involved making at least 4 completed tops from sets of friendship blocks. I did complete one, but I know that's going to be it for this year. I'm not going to work on any of the others until next year. So I figured one was certainly better than none, so I deleted that goal a few minutes ago. That leaves only one goal - the goal that was the most important of all - and one that I've achieved. One out of four is better than I've done in the past, so I'm happy. I've decided I like monthly goals better than yearly goals anyway - I plan better for shorter time spans. Of course I've not come close to accomplishing any of my November goals, but I still have a little bit of hope. After all, I'm going to have 5 days off in a row. And it's not a race and it's not REALLY about goals - instead it's about creating something beautiful with my hands, something for us all to enjoy, something I really enjoy doing. It's one of the things that makes my life worthwhile. And that is saying a lot, I think.


  1. By March I'd stomped so hard on all my goals so I justed deleted them from my sidebar. LOL! And recentely I've decided montly goals aren't for me eihter. Now I just pick something to work on that makes me happy at the moment and that's what I work on. My only goal now being to keep with it until I've got that project to finished top stage before I get sidetracked by another project. I'm having moderate success with that. :-)

  2. I started monthly goals a few months ago as well as goals for my junior year of quilting. For me they serve as a reminder of what I am working on rather than calendar deadlines. I like the way you list your projects by type of activity. I did a similar list on my blog by stage of completion.

    I'm curious though what does UFT stand for?

  3. I like your goal to use up more fabric than your purchase...I think that will be my goal for the new year....

  4. I had to do so many goals and objectives when I was teaching that I promised myself never to do anything like that again! I did spend a lot of time telling kids to finish what they started, though, so I tell myself to finish one thing at least to the quilting stage before starting anything else. It sort of works most of the time. The good thing about goals is that you can see how productive you have been, and you have been very productive.

  5. I am more like Nancy...I like to work on what makes me feel good..I have no goals...I would like to use up alot of the fabric I already have but if something new jumps out and says buy I am going to do just that....I love your Home quilt block..It reminds me of a old house I use to live in....Have a good week...Toni

  6. Enjoy the journey and don't worry about the goal.
    I enjoy the process of making a quilt - looking at patterns, auditing fabric, trying new techniques. No time lines, date lines and all to often no straight lines. :)

  7. Goals...reaching towards something...achievement. I call it "keep on keeping on" What is accomplished is accomplished...what isn't..ISN'T. As with most of us, I have learned that life will go on even if my goals are not completed. I feel I had a successful quilty year in 2006 and it isn't over yet so I do feel I have reached towards a few goals.

  8. I agree enjoying the journey is important, and one should not make goals for the sake of making goals, but the feeling of accomplishing one's goals or projects; that's a great high, too!

  9. goal= Given Opinion, Allow Leeway

    Better to know that while once something was your given opinion, it is not set in stone, and can come off the list! :-)

  10. Goals are just guidelights, not carved in stone :-)
    Life is not carved in stone and quilting is supposed to be fun, right ?
    I can not make goals for a whole year, but monthly goes well.
    Oh - I have made one goal about not buy more fabric than I use, and I am sticking fairly well to that one for the time being - using from the old for my care quilts and buying some new treasures.
    Quilting is about creativity, relaxation and fun.
    I like to have quilting fun with you :-)
    Lovely draw string bags you have made.

  11. I think I'm changing the name from Goals to guidlines or wishes!! *VBG* Goals don't seem to get accomplished around here too much, although I haven't done too bad this month.

    I love the UFT's you have gotten done recently! All those primitive appliques and blocks have turned out so nicely! I imagine it feels good to have them off the pile and done!
