
Friday, October 13, 2006


Friday afternoon and I'm off work - yipyee! This weekend will be devoted to getting the northwest medical team quilt quilted, as well as packing for my quilt retreat next week. I can hardly wait to see my online quilty friends again!

We went to our daughter's and son-in-laws on Wednesday, so I took along the quilt. I have the sweetest daughter in the world! Here is the note that waited for me in my email this morning. I'm so glad they like the quilt.

Hi Mom,
I thought I'd let you know that it was quite nice sleeping under the quilt last night. When I got in bed, I snuggled all down into the bed, and it was like you were tucking me in. :) We both still love the quilt!!!! It's amazing!!!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you!

I need to confess to a boo-boo. When I was quilting the Quilt Pink quilt this past weekend I stopped with the needle in the quilt to pick something off the floor. Unfortunately when I stood up I hit the machine hard with my body, causing the machine to move about an inch to the right and ripping a tear in the quilt. I knew sooner or later I'd tear a quilt - I guess every longarmer does at least once - so I'm so glad it wasn't a customer quilt! It's not just the top - it's the backing too. I'm glad it was this quilt, because I can fix it pretty easily. I'll just appliqué a scattering of pink hearts across the front, including one over the hole, and I'll place the label over the hole in the back. I hope once is enough and I never do that again!

My bit of important news for the week is that our granddaughter-to-be has a name - Sophie Marie. Old fashioned and sweet - I like that!


1. Orange and yellow leaves against a clear deep blue sky.
2. A catered breakfast this morning courtesy of our CEO.
3. A good book to read
4. Detroit is up 2-0 on the Oakland A's.
5. A quilty weekend has begun



  1. Daughters are great -- they grow up to know just the right thing to say.

    Love your solution for the tear. A strategically placed applique and/or label really can save the day *s*

  2. Yikes!! I can see how that can happen. I quess bending down is okay, as long as you let go of the handles!

    I'm sure your daughter will love that quilt more and more everyday because it came from you!! Love the baby name!

  3. I love your new grandaughter's name...very sweet. My son and DIL still haven't settled on a name for our grandson...they say there really is no rush he's not going to arrive until December. Have a wonderful quilty weekend.

  4. Confession is good! :) I do think we all fear ripping a quilt. I never leave my needle down for that reason. Some put the needle down and roll the quilt but I always tie off and start over. I'm a chicken! :(

    Sophie Marie is a beautiful name!

    Judy L.

  5. Oh what a great note from your daughter! That is so nice! And what a bummer on the quilt tear. But at least you have a good solution!

  6. Lovely note from your daughter - nice to be appreciated.

  7. Sophia Marie is an exquisite name. I bet grandma can't wait to see her!

    Detroit could take it all today! I'm rooting for them!

  8. Don't you love giving quilts as gifts? I've only done one for my sister in law so far, but am currently working on one for my mother in law. Next up is one for ME! LOL

    I love the name Sophie! Cute!

  9. Patti your daughter must be a lovely girl, she not only appreciates the quilt, she knows how much voicing that appreciation means to you.Somebody must have raised her right.......

  10. Hi Patti, so sorry to hear about the tear 'boo-boo', but what great news about the new little lady having a name!!!! Gives me goose bumps..*VBS* Joy! Joy! Joy!
    And what a wonderfully sweet note from your DD...isn't quilt love just the BEST!!!? Hugs, Finn

  11. What a wonderful name, I love Sophie, if I was going to get another cat, female, I would name her Sophie.

    Too bad about your quilt, glad you will be able to fix it without too much trouble.

    Nancy in MT

  12. wonderful name-my kids had the name Sophia until they found out it was one of the 10 most picked names-so Alice it was. yikes on the tear! glad you came up with a lovely solution. and that note from your daughter is so touching-save it with a photo of the quilt you gave them for your quilt journal-won't that make a sweet memory for their child to read years from now? and you too of course! oh, quilt retreat-you will have too much fun! how wonderful for you.

  13. What a beautiful note from your daughter and what a beautiful name for a future granddaughter. I just love old names.
