
Monday, October 16, 2006

I found this very interesting, as my favorite season is fall and my second favorite is spring. Winter is my third favorite and summer my least favorite. I took the test several times, changing an answer her and there, but it always turned out this way. I always long for snow every winter and hardly ever get it. One thing is true for sure - I much prefer being inside sewing or reading than outside doing any of the things one usually does outside.

You Belong in Winter

Quiet, calm, and totally at peace...
You're happy to be at home, wrapped in a blanket, completely snowed in
Whether you're lighting a fire or having a snowball fight, you always feel best in the winter.


  1. I would like winter more as well if I lived somewhere where there was a real winter season with soft fluffy snow.

    Big piles of soft fluffy snow. Ahhh - now I am remembering my youth!

  2. I thought I would be winter, but ended up fall - which is my favorite season. Spring is my least favorite!

  3. Enjoy your quilt retreat...and take notes, I wanna hear all about it when you get home.

  4. I am an autumn...knew it before I even started! I sort of miss it this year - the colors don't seem to change in the UK like they did back in New England.
