
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Much better!

A block called "Blossom and Berries" looks much better with the berries, don't you think? Can't believe I forgot about them and thought the block was finished!

This completes all the installments that I've received. Supposedly it's through August, but since I didn't get this block until August 31st, I'm taking the liberty of calling it the September block. Especially since September is rapidly drawing to a close and I've not received that installment in the mail yet. A picture has been up on her site for most of the month. It looks like three very easy blocks to complete this time - one appliqué and two pieced. You can see a picture of them here, as well as a picture of her newest Halloween quilt. I absolutely adore this new quilt called "Trick or Treat". I want so badly to get the kit - usually the only way to get her patterns - but I'm going to be good and not order it. That's a quick saving of $85! I'll just cross my fingers that eventually she puts the pattern for this one in a book.

I retrieved the rest of the blocks from the closet where they are hanging clipped to a skirt hanger, and laid them out of the floor to get a picture. I really like the way this quilt is looking! Of course I have no idea how they are going to be stitched together - there are still four more months installments to come. The quilt is called "Posies and Points" - clever name, don't you think?


  1. Oh, this quilt is going to be gorgeous !
    Can't wait seeing the complete top ! Bravo !

  2. This looks like it's going to be really pretty - nice soft colours.

  3. I love the colors and the variety!

  4. This is going to be one nice quilt when it is finished. Good for you to be keeping up with each month's installment.

  5. your mystery quilt is looking great - I started late on mine and am a bit behind but I will catch up one of these days

  6. i love all the blocks you've made so far. The colors are very pretty.

  7. Hi Patti, *VBS* I'm so glad you didn't cave on the quilt've got GRIT, girl!!
    And yes, you know, the blossoms and berries DOES look better with berries...LOL..imagine that??? *VBG*
    Love the blocks dug from the closet..only 4 more to go!!
    Hope you are having a great weekend, my pioneer friend, Hugs, Finn *VBS*

  8. Those points and posey blocks have a very old fashioned, comfortable look to them. I can imagine a book, a windowseat, a cup of hot chocolate and being wrapped in that quilt.

  9. The halloween one is really cute but I guess that saved monies can be added to the retirement funds!

  10. I can't believe I have missed so many of your posts! something must have gone wrong with my updating program :-) so: congrats for NOT going to the Expo-and great going on all the stitching you have accomplished.

  11. Love it, Patti. I'm glad you followed your heart.

  12. The "posies and points" quilt is beautiful. The blocks you have made is so nice. Makes me want to start making blocks like yours.

  13. Ooooh I likey likey likey! It's looking great - very pointy!

    Beautiful work - it's so exciting when you get to the stage when you can lay out all the blocks to get a feel for what it's looking like :)

  14. Cute trick or treat quilt. You never said who designed it. I love the colors of the Posies quilt. I've been "pressing" this weekend. I think of what you wrote:).

  15. Yep, those berries really added the punch! Love your Posies and Points!! Wow, you have such a great sense of color. And you really do have great will power, girl. You'll be retiring before you know it! That Trick or Treat quilt from Jan Patek is adorable. Her place in Cameron is only about 30 or 40 minutes from my house. Her designs are so wonderful.

  16. Posies and Points, will be interesting to see what the layout is. I love the colors, right up my alley.

  17. The berries do add punch. I like them very much. I cant wait to see this quilt finished; it will surely be stunning. I especially like the block with the blue flowers.

    I'm glad you passed on the quilt show. Your longterm goal seems to be increasingly more important to you. That doesn't mean that you must pass on every opportunity that comes along. You don't want to give up everything now. You could win Lotto the week before your last day at work & all the scrimping would have been needless. Of course, the winnings would, no doubt, greatly ease the pangs of regret.

    I love the Halloween quilt, too. I took your link to Jan Patek's site & struggled with my right forefinger, which wanted to click on the buy-button. I actually have a Halloween quilt pattern with similar characters in the quilt's border; the center of the quilt is a village or haunted house (I haven't seen it for awhile.) Anyway, having one unopened, similar Halloween pattern made it easier to restrain myself. (So far, anyway.)

    Keep quilting,

  18. What a great sampler... I love your folky style !! I need to collect fabrics for a quilt like this :-)

  19. BUT - I"m still mostly in love with your mystery quilt. I normally don't buy her kits either, I think they are kind of pricey for fabric I already have, but I have to admit, I really like her selection and blocks this time around. I'm kicking myself I didn't buy the kit this time. Any chance you want to sell the pattern when your done?

  20. Ohh, I like the colors in these blocks - and you have such a variety of sizes there - Wonder if some are going to be sashed adn some not?
