
Friday, September 15, 2006

I hope Blogger and Bloglines are feeling better!

Something was so wonky in Blogland today. I got up at 5:00 as usual, turned on the computer and made myself a cup of tea. I sat down to read my emails - curious how many there might be since I posted the second installment of the seam allowance tutorial last night. I was surprised to see there were hardly any emails. And not a comment on my posting. No messages from any of my yahoo groups either. That was SO odd! So I pulled up Bloglines - there were five updated blogs. I read through those and checked my email again. Nothing. So I pulled up my blog - or should I say I tried to pull up my blog. All I got was a nasty blue screen with an error message on it! Well, that explained why I had no comments. Apparently my blog came back sometime this afternoon. I noticed that I Bloglines was still showing no updates, including the fact that I'd sent an update last night. So I pulled up my entire list of 128 blogs and started checking each one. Guess what - many of them had been updated today and Bloglines never got the message! I've caught up reading all of them now, so I'm posting something on mine to see if maybe Bloglines is working again. I hope so, because I did get a notice tonight that Judy Laquidara at Sunshine Quilts had updated her blog. I'm afraid I neglected to leave much in the way of comments as I was reading, because I needed to check all 128 feeds. I sue hope by tomorrow morning both systems will be back to normal - I've become very dependent on spending daily time with my blogging quilty friends!


  1. I noticed a lot of blog problems today - haven't had a chance to update mine but have been visiting a lot of blog friend tonight - the tutorial is wonderful - thanks for taking the time to post

  2. My bloglines still seems to be only half working and not updating as well. I am enjoying your tutorial - looking forward to the tips on pressing as well.

  3. My blog and bloglines have also acted totaly crazy these late days. For a couple of days I thought no one was blogging, but when I started going through all the blogs, they had all been busy. Hope the bloglines and blogspot gets better soon.

  4. Bloglines has been playing up for me too.

    No wonder you get up at 5am if you have 128 feeds to read!!

  5. Thank you so much for the seam tutorial. I could use one of those 'walls'. I understand completely what you're saying about quilty blogger dependancy ... I feel just the same way!
    Hope you're having a great weekend.

  6. Yup, blogger was acting wierd yesterday, but this morning it seems to be much better. As soon as I get my morning coffee I'm going to make my wall . . . well probably ofter I quilt my post card, that is.

    Which does bring up a question . . . I assume you remove the wall when you don't need it and carefully put it back in place, right?

  7. Blogger can be crazy but I wouldn't want to live without it now that I have become addicted!

  8. Sorry blogdom isn't cooperating! It does quickly become a habit that you miss when it lets you down!

    thanks for the seam allowance hints...being away from the machine for the past few months means I'll have to really concentrate when I start back up!

  9. I had a wall on my old Singer machine, but thought the Viking's feet were more accurate. I've measured and to my surprise(yeah, right)they're not.
    I'll build the wall after I finish Judy L's hour quilt, since I want the seam allowances to match throughout the quilt.
    Patti, thank you so much for these tutorials. I started quilting at the local Continuing Ed, but I find that I've forgotten a lot of what that teacher taught me-like the wall. Through your lessons here, I'm now taking the refresher courses I need.
    Can you put up a link to your pressing post? I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd appreciate it.

  10. You aren't the only one that has become dependent! I think we should have some sort of support group. Oh, wait, that might just complicate the problem. *LOL*

  11. Yep all I got for yours was massive blue screen!!

  12. Yup, I NEED my time with all you quilty gals, too!!!

    Jeanne :)

  13. Yesterday was not a fun day -- no updates. I'm so glad everything seems better today.
