
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I have a center!

After a couple false starts and stitching then ripping then stitching some more and ripping some more, I finally finished the center block for my pre-1830's medallion quilt. For those of you who are recent readers, I talked a lot about this class in my next post after the first class last February. The class is taught by AQS certified quilt appraiser and quilt historian Eileen Trestain. Since Thursday will be our seventh session (out of 11) I'm a little late getting started, but I hope to make good progress from now on. I have so many period fabrics to choose from it was hard deciding what I wanted to use, so finally I just started pulling from the stack at random. I knew I wanted to put the chintz "sent to me by my husband" when he was up north visiting family. I can hardly wait to put on the next rounds. For each round we have at least 3-6 different choices of appropriate designs. We are learning so much interesting stuff about life in those times. This has been one of the best classes I've ever taken.

I came home before noon as I was suffering dizzyness and severe sinus pain from allergies. Laid down on the bed to try to read the work I brought home, and immediately fell asleep. After sleeping for a couple hours the dizzyness was gone but the severe sinus pain is still there. Allergies are so wonderful! I need to head to bed for a good sleep, as I have a class to teach tomorrow morning at work. At least it's a short class.


  1. Patti, the colours you have chosen are so wonderful. Suits your medallion quilt perfect. What is the name of this medallionquilt and could you please show a close up of the pattern. I am so curious. LOL

  2. Excellent fabric choices! I sympathize with the allergy issues--I am also suffering right now. 'Tis the season!

  3. Those fabrics are delicious and I like the colours you have chosen. The classes sound fascinating.

  4. Wow I am so jealous, the fabrics are beautiful. The chintz is very 'old' looking. I am thinking about doing the Civil War sampler, but I'm not sure. There are so many beautfiul reproductions. My repro hexagons are coming along well (apart from my eyesight).

  5. PS do you have a photo of your CW sampler listed as no 19?

  6. Patti...It was well worth the wait to get it just right. The medallion is wonderful. Can't wait to see it grow. Feel better...allergies and sinuses are just awful. Take care...Carol

  7. Oh boy Patti I hope those allergies disappear soon for you - it sounds awful.

    On the bright side your quilt top is looking lovely. It sounds like an interesting class.

  8. What a beautiful medallion! Sounds like a terrific class - love learning the history at the same time.

  9. yesterday at my LQS, if you (in January purchased the coupon book) brough it a phot of your grandmother, you got 35% off of repro fabrics. I got a few fat quarters... Too bad I passed up on the large scale one....

  10. Oh my gosh, that is gorgeous! What a beauty.

  11. this class and quilt look so interesting - I haven't taken a class in many years but I have been thinking about it lately
    sorry about allegies - I have had some of the same stuff going on and it really makes you tired

  12. your quilt is lovely. I like the fabrics you have used.
    Hope you're feeling better.

  13. Your quilt class surely sounds interesting. Your quilt is going to be really nice!

    Hope you're feeling better.

    Judy L.

  14. This is going to be a stunning quilt for sure. I went back to read your first post about the class. What a wonderful experience for you and your classmates. I will enjoy seeing the progress on this project very much.

  15. Oh Patti! It is wonderful! I sure can't wait to see it grow now! I have to see the progress on this! That chintz is wonderful!

  16. Patti I have seen all your works are super pretty and very laborious. I have much merito, likes all your quilts

  17. Oh Patti I think you made a wonderful start! Heck, if you stopped here you would have a wonderful small wall hanging worthy of hanging anywhere! I love seeing all the great period fabrics!

  18. I love love love that quilt Patti, I'm always a sucker for a reproduction fabric, and you've chosen some lovely ones there!
    I hope your sinuses are feeling better, it's the most awful and debilitating thing. I had sinus surgery earlier this year to put a halt to the infections I was getting, so I know what you're going thru.
    *huge hugs*

  19. Your class sounds incredible and your quilt center looks outstanding. I wish I could find a class like that to take.

  20. Wow, Patti! Looks wonderful---I was working on a border like you show on a design in EQ today--not as wide and not scrappy but "points out anyway"

    Hope you start feeling better soon. I don't know what there is about the fall air but this sinus stuff is the pits, isn't it? Exactly what sent me to bed for half the day on Sunday.

  21. Great center! All the old looking fabrics are so wonderful, they are making me dizzy too. Sounds like a fabulous class. Hope you feel better.

  22. Sad to hear that you are not feeling at your best. Autumn brings those allergies out along with the stunning weather.

    Learning history and making a quilt. Two classes for the price of one. Good deal.

    Medallion is starting to have a voice. What will it say next>
