
Monday, August 7, 2006

Opinions requested . . .

or at least assurance that I'm doing the right thing . . .

With so many people looking at stashes, UFO's, etc. I know we are being a good influence on each other. That's what got me into this quandry. First I read about Barbara's decision to toss theUFO's that didn't appeal to her. Many, including me, applauded her for doing so. I've done this several times in the past, and really though I'd tossed all the ones I didn't want.

Then, this afternoon as I was revising my progress on my sidebar, I took a look at my list of UFT's, and immediately thought "Do I really want to finish that one?" Right away I decided the answer was no.

But now I'm home and I'm second guessing myself. First I thought "No I won't toss it - I think I really like what I've done here." Then I put some of the pieces up on the design wall (the only thing really sewn together is the feathers and 5 of the purple triangles) to take the first picture you see to the left. (I didn't have a design wall when I started this - well over 15 years ago - so this is the first time I've looked at it this way.) My immediate thought was "hmmm . . . I don't know whether I like that or not. It's awfully busy, and the center doesn't stand out the way I thought it would."

This was to be a "quick" project when I started it. I planned to enter a challenge at In the Beginning Quilts in Seattle. The fabric in the second picture was the challenge fabric. Obviously I never came close to finishing it - I think it was due at the store in less than 6 months - and here it sits all these years later. The appliqué and embroidery is tiny and delicate, as you can see by the third picture. The leaves are 7/8" long, the tulip 1" long and the center flower is 1 3/4" with a 3/4" center. The stems are embroidered with one strand of floss. You can see I've not made a lot of progress by looking at the last picture. The applique is done on 3 of the 9 blocks. A fourth is in progress. All the little pieces are cut out, and the size of them terrifies me now that my eyes have aged and my hands have arthritis. The strips of feathers are all pieced.

These are just NOT my colors and never were. I have no idea whether I have more of the green and purple fabric around. I never planned what was going to happen around the outside of the star or in the borders. I figured I plan that after I constructed the star I guess. And I never make quilts with so few fabrics any more.

So ladies - I think I'll toss this one out. The three appliqué blocks can go into my orphan block drawer. The strips of feathers can go into my crumbs drawer for mile-a-minute blocks. The cut applique pieces can go into the garbage. The floral can go into the stack of fabrics I'm cutting up for quilt backs. I can cross one more UFT off my list.

Does anyone disagree with me and think I should finish this one? Does anyone else love it enough to want to finish it - I'll happily gift it to you. I just don't want to finish it, and now that I've written this post I've convinced myself that getting rid of it is the right thing to do.

Update: Now that I've really thought about this I've realized what really bothers me. The flowers in the center of the appliqué blocks are too dark! If all 9 of them were up there they'd look like some sort of bazarre target practice piece! Isn't it amazing what a design wall, camera, and 15 additional years of quilt experience can tell you!


  1. I'm with you Patti...if that were in my stack of UFT's it would have to many other things that I really love to use up time on something I really don't like anymore. No guilt here!

  2. Toss it if you can't find a taker. If it doesn't make you happy you'll never finish it. Better to get it out of the way now than to store it for years to come.

  3. You are good. So much thought into this. And you are saving the orphan blocks. Can you think thu some of my UFOs?

  4. Yes, 15 years does change our outlook on things. Toss it, move on. You have the pictures and the blog post as a memory!

  5. Not my colors either although I did make a purple and teal quilt about the same time as you were making this so it must have been a trend - I say put it in a ziploc and donate it to the goodwill - lots of people look for those little treasures
    btw - our pictures are in the book - it is a group picture and my oh my did we look young!

  6. I'm sure it would be pretty if you finished piecing and quilted it but I can understand you wanting to move on. Normally my vote is to go ahead and finish things but it sounds like you've made your decision and feel good about it and that's what counts.

  7. It's interesting and I think someone would love it because it isn't "bad", but no, I don't see those colors or designs being you, so unless you had someone to give it to, or sell it to, move it into the never do pile (or whatever you call it).

    Isn't it funny how our tastes change over time!

  8. I'd say toss it and maybe someone will find it and think they have a treasure. No use trying to finish something that you are not really interested it.

  9. oh i like it ! I would try to put it together...but you know I am pretty sentimental about anything appliqued. I am no help here at all.

  10. I say toss it and console yourself or celebrate your decision with a bag of cheetos! I think saving the orphan blocks is the way to go.

  11. I agree with your decision. The applique blocks can be used for something else, and the fabric can go back in your stash. Too many things I want to make to worry with those "oops" quilts I started.

  12. good to ID what was really bothering you about the piece---I liked the first picture with the lighter square in the outside more than the purple.

    Seriously though toss or repurpose them or pass them on to someone else to do something with. WTIL will take blocks if you want to send them on.

  13. bizare target practice indeed... The size of those shapes and a single strand of floss are what scared me! (Oh and the 80's pallette!) I hope I don't have similar feelings about my own stuff in 15 years... Ya know what I mean?

  14. I think it will be better served as the "parts" rathe rthan the whole...good choice!

  15. I'd like to encourage anyone who has a UFO they decide not to finish to donate it to charity. I take blocks all the time and turn them into wonderful quilts for children with cancer or wounded soldiers or the children of deceased soldiers. I'm more than happy to take your cast-offs! Many other charities are, as well.

    My feeling on UFOs is this. If you've learned what you wanted to learn, or bypassed the time in your life when the colors or design were appealing, why finish it? It is no longer a labor of love, just labor.

  16. If it doesn't say anything to you, then it's time to toss it.

  17. Oh please please don't toss it. You've done such great work on it, and don't want to waste the effort. I would be happy to take it off your hands, if you really are thinking about tossing it.
