
Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Oh dear - I'm in trouble now!

I knew I shouldn't have looked at the website. I knew it! I couldn't stop myself however - I had to see what was new. So I visited my favorite online quilt shop to take a look. There's only one addition for August, but I immediately fell in love with the collection. Moda makes some of my most favorite fabrics, so I always pay close attention to what they do.

I've wanted a Christmas quilt for our bed for so long. But I'm so picky. I don't want the fabrics to be anything "cutesy". I also don't want them to scream "Christmas" like so many of the non-cutesy fabrics do - full of pine cones and holly and a gold metallic look to some of the prints. I want something soft, that gives just a suggestion of Christmas. Something that just speaks to me. I've looked for several years and haven't found the right fabrics. Robyn Pandolph's Christmas collections have come close, but still not quite what I wanted.

Well, the 3 Sisters have designed a Christmas collection called Mistletoe Manor. It's exactly what I've been looking for! I love almost every piece in this collection! And the prices at Z & S are so good. I'm afraid if I have to wait until September to buy these they'll be out of a lot of it. Because their prices are good, they often sell out quickly.

So now I'm have a real dilemma. I really thought I could go without buying for a whole month without any trouble. I have so much fabric. But I also didn't expect to find something that I've been looking for unsuccessfully for several years. What's a girl to do? I don't want to cave in. I want to stick to my guns. But I also want this fabric so very, very badly. It would be so perfect for a simple Christmas quilt - something I could do up quickly like Turning Twenty or Yellow Brick Road - and I really don't have anything in my stash that works.

Can you hear that rationalization? I've not caved yet. I'm hoping for the strength to resist, but I feel myself weakening with every moment!


  1. Okay, I'm going to be a B-AA-A-D influence and say, "Go for it!!" All your reasoning made perfect sense to me. (Me who is still plodding through her own stash and shaking her head!) Quilting is not about deprivation--there are plenty of other places in life to do that! Fabric feeds your soul and the Moda you describe might be just snapped up by September. Somebody else's soul could get fed!!!

  2. As a non consumer, let me say... if you absolutely love it, you'll be able to find it next month. Everywhere will not be sold out of it. You might not get it from the store you're currently looking at, it might be more expensive, but IT WILL BE AVAILABE. You can wait.... honest.... you can have your cake and eat it too......

  3. Patti!!!

    i checked out Z&S wow!!! Now I know why you have a hard time resisting. the fabric is fabulous and the prices are out of this world. have added to my fav online QS list..

    love the christmas fabric. i wouldn't blame you if you bought it!!

  4. Go ahead and get it. You didn't actually have to tell anyone. You could have bought it and kept quiet, but you were honest. At those prices if you wait it will be $2 or more a YARD more if you wait. I'd say special circumstance, but hey I didn't sign up for the depression so there you go.

    I think it's fabulous too! Moda is my favorite of all the fabrics!I have my eye on some sale fabrics there as well!

  5. I vote for getting it...I classify a christmas quilt like the one you are talking about as an heirloom, you've been searching forever. Sacrifice by giving up nine days of spending in September...

  6. I have to say if you know FOR SURE you will be purchasing this fabric anyway I'd go ahead and get it now while you can get such a good deal. It would be silly to pay more next month just to say you didn't buy it this month. Now I don't know just how much you'll be saving because I REFUSE to go look at the site you've mentioned! LOL! I just don't need that kind of temptation right now. :-)

    BUT if you're wishy, washy at all about wanting it, I say NO not a good enough reason to break your personal challenge!

  7. Wow, I can see your dilemma - the fabric is gorgeous and I am really partial to Modas too, especially 3 Sisters. That place has awesome prices, too. I doubt I would be able to resist something I loved so much and had been searching for.

  8. Here I am your blogging ENABLER - oh go for it! You love it and need to own it. ;-)

  9. I am not doing the no-buy challenge. I am therefore probably not the one to say, does it make sense to spend more later (assuming that you will buy it sometime because it is exactly why you haven't bought any others)?

  10. I so do not need to be reminded about Z&S.... I too love that new line (Karen & Sew Primative just showed it to me) especially the polka dots!

    I think the brown is calling to you... (& Maybe the lack of gold. I used to love that glint of gold, now I am definaltly less that happy with it - ya know how that goes.)

    I think you will persevere - if it is still available on September 1, then it was meant to be! (repeat often)

  11. My vote is to not buy it. Going month to month not buying fabric has been one of the most effective ways I've cut back my fabric purchases and focused my attention on using my stash. I do have months I allow myself to buy but I try very hard to stick to no buy months.

  12. I'm not saying a thing but I know we can be such bad influences on each other sometimes.

    If you thought it would be there next month at the same price, that might sway me to wait but I just came from two quilt shops myself---what do I know?

  13. Oh Patti, I feel your pain..and all I am going to do is send Hugs!! Use them however you need console or to congratulate..Hugs, Finn

  14. If you want it, buy it - but use it straightaway - there's less guilt than if it lies on the shelf.

  15. wow, such a dilema. I could argue both ways--do you really want our support in keeping you strong--or want our blessing? :) Since I have purchased RP Christmas fabrics for the last 4 years, I can resist. Although they are beautiful. I'm not helping any, am I? But I'm leaning towards--BE STRONG and if it's meant to be, they will have it next month.

  16. You'd better just buy it! If you don't and they run out you will kick yourself!! But then just be sure to make the quilt. :)

  17. Is it too early for Christmas shopping?

  18. Whatever you decide will be the right decision!

  19. You should never have looked! :) But I think it would be alright since it's something you've really been wanting and you're not just stashbuilding.

    How about this - order it and have the quilt made by the end of the month so it will not be added to your stash! How's that for rationalizing?

    Judy L.

  20. I say go for it since you've been searching for fabric like that for years. And it seems Christmasy but yet it doesn't scream it.

    makes me think of a holly wreath.

    And the stuff is only $6.99 a yard which isn't bad at all I think.

  21. I agree with JudyL. Buy the fabri and use it right away. Don't let it sit in your stash.

  22. Saw this line in person at the LQS and my advice is, don't miss getting it :-).

  23. Beautiful fabric but I am not going to chime in on whether you should purchase or not. That is a personal choice and we will all love you just the same
