
Sunday, August 20, 2006

I can't seem to sleep tonight

Maybe it's because I got too much sleep on vacation? Those of you who've been reading my blog for awhile know I normally get up at 5:00 on weekdays and not much later than that on weekends. Apparently I needed a lot of catching up on my sleep because I didn't get up before 8:30 any of the days we were camping. You can't imagine how strange that is for me. Fred got up just past his normal time of 6:00 but let me sleep in. That was a good 10 hours of sleep each night as we were in bed by 10:00 each evening. I had no idea I was so tired. Now it's almost midnight and I don't seem to be sleepy at all. It's going to be hard getting back to my work routine on Tuesday in many ways!

Anyway, since I'm awake I decided to try loading more pictures. The air was just a bit hazy so the mountain doesn't look crystal clear. This morning the skies were totally clear of haze, but there was no time to take pictures as we had to break camp to come home.

From top to bottom:

1. National Park Inn at Longmire. You can see the tip of the mountain behind the chimney. Longmire was the site of a hot springs spa developed in the first decade of the 20th century. It was the end of the road up the mountain for many years. The Inn was built in 1917.
2. This log cabin, built in 1911, houses the general store at Longmire.
3. Mt Rainier from the porch of the National Park Inn at Longmire. There is a huge meadow, streams, ponds and hot springs directly across the road from the Inn. Mt. Rainier rises in the distance beyond this meadow.
4. Mt. Rainier from the first alpine meadow we crossed on our hike. Burned trees from a long-ago forest fire are in the foreground.
5. The first alpine meadow we crossed. The picture is taken looking away from Mt. Rainier and toward the Tatoosh range.


  1. That is just the most beautiful. I lived in the Northwest many years ago and just loved it. Now in Florida we sure don't see sights like that. Glad you had a relaxing wonderful time. Welcome back!

  2. Absolutely beautiful scenery! I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday.

  3. looks like a beautiful spot to relax for your holidays. Hope your sleep pattern restores itself without too many dog tired days :-)

  4. A relaxing trip (moderate hike excepted *s*) in beautiful country. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I was up late last night for some reason too! The pictures of Mt Rainier and the natl park are so beautiful. Almost makes me want to go camping! Thought of you and your family yesterday as Emily and I played a SkipBo marathon!

  6. I sounds like this trip came at the right time as you needed the R&R. Thanks for sharing pics of such a beautiful part of our country.

  7. Wow Patti, those pictures and the ones before are all just breath taking. Looks like the perfect place to visit and relax!

  8. Looks so beautiful. I have never been there but my DH has been a few times. The cycle groups sometimes do a "Ride around Rainier" There are some wonderful places in Washington state and Oregon once you get past Seattle. I will go back!

  9. What stunning scenery,no wonder you go back every year. You could never tire of those views as long as you lived.

  10. I can see the attraction even though the mountains are all around you---gorgeous scenery. You were right then about the wildflowers being passed the peak since you went later in the year.

    Thanks, Patti for sharing the pictures in these two posts.

  11. What a beautiful place you visited.
    Thanks for sharing the photos.

  12. Oh wow oh wow Patti. Amazingly beautiful country. I would love to visit one day. My husband has been, but I haven't yet.

    It must have been all that clean country air that wore you out. How lovely to have such blissful sleep on your holiday!

    Thank you for your comment over on my blog :)
