
Saturday, July 8, 2006

Saturday sewing

I was really looking forward to sleeping in this morning - two days back at work were more than enough to tire me. The main reason - I think - was because I kept thinking how much I'd rather be at home sewing! Anyway, I woke up at my regular get-up time of 5:00, and couldn't go back to sleep due to a sinus headache from allergies. I gave up about 5:30 and got up to sew.

I have a customer quilt that I MUST get to today! But I have a couple goals of my own first. I want to finish stitching up the new Broken Dishes blocks. Did the math yesterday and discovered I used 1620 triangles on this new bunch of blocks! That's 202 + blocks! Once I stitch them I must put them aside, however, until I finish the customer quilt. I can't wait to get it up on the wall to play with again. I've been going through various options in my head, but I'm much better working with the real fabrics.

I also stitched together the new blocks for It's a Wonderful Life and attached them to the rest of the quilt top. I've not reported on that one for awhile, but I'm making good progress. I appliquéd all but two of the blocks while we were camping, and one of the remaining blocks - the flag - while I watched the Mariners lose last night to Detroit. All I have left is a flower block that goes in the upper left corner, plus appliquéd borders. The June mailing contained the Spring and Summer borders, which go down the left side and across the top. I need to make templates for them, choose fabrics from my stash and prep the appliqué. That also must wait until the customer quilt is finished. The August mailing will contain the pattern and directions for the bottom right border -which goes under the stars - and the bottom border. It is the fall and winter border. I just love how this quilt is looking - but I had no idea it would be this big! Sure, the original drawing has the dimensions on it but I didn't think about it. I had to take the ironing board out of the sewing room in order to display the entire quilt on my design board so I could take a picture. This will be great on our bed one of these days!


1. See through plastic boxes
2. Rotary cutters, rulers and mats
3. Tiny ultra light weight spring action thread nippers
4. My design wall
5. Weekends



  1. I ti s coming along nicely!

  2. I just love these blocks - are they from a block of the month club? My quilt addiction has recently been reignited and I even started a blog today. Thanks for posting such great inspiration!

  3. That is indeed going to be a terrific quilt, what fun blocks!

  4. I like the plaid rabbit and the whales! This is the kind of quilt you can look at for a long time - you keep seeing something new!

  5. It's a Wonderful Life is really coming together now - I've been watching your progress on it since before I had a blog of my own and it's great to see it nearing completion - the colours and fabrics you have chosen really compliment the design.

  6. Love the plaid rabbit, and the flowers in this quilt. It will be a real tresure when you get it done. I love the patterns on Quilters Cache too.

  7. all right! you are getting so close to the end of this quilt..way to go!

  8. Hi, Patti !

    I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your "It's a wonderful life" quilt AND your broken dishes !
    I'm full of admiration for the way you're using your scraps and I dream of making one myself (Marcia Hohn Depression block is tempting me as well). Shall we do it together, after the summer holidays ??? The only thing that makes me hesitate is that I prefer handpiecing. Machine piecing does not relax me at all : that "stupid robot" (LOL) doesn't seem willing to obey me, though I'm very careful and gently speaking to it !!!!!!

    Keep quilting, you're so good at it, Patty !

    Kind regards and friendship threads
    from NADINE in Belgium.

  9. Your It's A Wonderful Life quilt is so adorable. I love the whales!
    I can't tell by the pictures - do you hand applique or machine applique?
    Thanks for the link to Quilters Cache. I can see that it will be a great resource.

  10. Your "Wonderful Life" quilt is truly WONDERFUL! I love the nautical feel to it. Nice work Patti!

  11. What a lovely idea your "Wonderful Life" is. The whales are my favourite. While I'm here I'll tell you how much I also like your Broken Dishes scrappy quilt - isn't it amazing how "uglies" turn into "pretties" in a scrap quilt? Love you blog, I'll be back to read more.

  12. This my first visit to your site. Your work is really beautiful! Your color choices for the plaids in this quilt are really stunning. The colors and patterns are all perfect.

  13. OK, I could have just cut and paste your first paragraph into my weblog. That is why I need to stay busy at work, if I don't all I do is think about the things I COULD be doing at home--- Quilting, gardening, reading, playing with Ransom. But that job is supporting the fun stuff I guess. I love the it's a wonderful life Quilt. What kind of applique are you doing on it?

  14. Patti, Oh, this quilt is Adorable - I don't what I love the most; the plaid bunny, the whales the houses???? It's just "wonderful". :-)

  15. Your applique blocks looks so good :-) Good luck with your sale. It is good to sell what no longer pleases you. I gave away a lot of fabrics with gold on them to a lady at my guild a couple of years back. I did not enjoy them anymore and to her they were a true treasure.

  16. Your Its a wonderful Life quilt is wonderful! I love this quilt, but haven't had time to start it. I wanted to do it so bad, but just not enough time right now for hand applique - I want to spend as much time as I can hand quilting Prim Primer - but I haven't even done that!

  17. Oh, my Mom would have loved that bunny block - she loved bunnies! And the whale - my Nana made me a wallet and purse when I was little that whales on them - very similar to your whales - I thought of my Nana instantly when I saw them! The entire top is looking great!


