
Friday, July 28, 2006


I managed to sew on the last two border strips before I went to my medallion class last night. I love how this turned out! Made mostly from pieces so small that lots of people throw them away. This is like getting an entire quilt top for free. I've decided to piece the back ala Bonnie also, using 10" squares of fabrics that I'm not in love with any more. I hope to get it quilted this weekend, but I many find time to piece the back and nothing else. Too many other things that need to be done also.

I need two holders to get a good shot of the entire top, so this is the best I can do. When the quilt is finished I'll get a good picture with two quilt holders.

I also included pictures of my plastic shoe boxes I'd emptied by doing this quilt. They hold 1 1/2", 2 1/2", and 3 1/2" squares and half-square triangle squares. They are already full again - I've added more since I took this picture - and I've barely begun to cut up my scraps. Lots more "free" quilt tops in my future I guess!

Have to scoot and get ready for work, so this is it for now.


  1. Happy Dancing for you Patti! It looks fantastic--just hope DH has backed off his initial comments about how bright it was (or something to that effect)

    Love the aerial view of the scrap shoe boxes.

  2. THe quilt looks great. Nothing like getting something for nothing and reducing the scrap pile at the same time. THe shoeboxes look like a great storage idea.

  3. Oh Patti - this quilt is fabulous and I LOVE it. And, your shoe boxes are full again - too funny!

  4. Are those triangles sewn together?

    I am seeing "Ocean Waves" in that "mini" box.... (In case you were soliciting ideas....)

  5. Money in the bank!!! I just love the feeling of something for free... Awesome quilt..You'll enjoy it for many years to come. And when you look at it you'll remember, this scrap came from ____ and that scrap came from____.

    Those are my favorite kinds of quilts.

  6. That came out great. Doesn't it feel good to use things up? Like you said a quilt for free. ;c)

  7. Oh, I LIKE this! And think it's hilarious that your boxes are already full again. LOL! I cut all my scraps up last year and try to cut leftovers up just as soon as I finish cutting a new project. And it's amazing how many strips, bricks, and squares I can get just from the leftover bits from cutting other projects. I don't think my strip bins will ever empty!

  8. That is just beautiful!! I really love it!!

  9. wow, wow, wow! Your quilt is beautiful and I love the boxes of pieces all ready to go - just love all those half square triangles - great work and thanks so much for posting all the great pics

  10. the double border inset is great! I've done single inset borders but never thought of two... It really "finishes" it! :-)

  11. Hi Patti, the quilt top looks wonderful..*VBS* Welcome to the world of scrap quilts and all the possibilities..*S* You did a fantastic job with this one, and how cool is that, free and empty containers to refill???? Love it!! Hugs, Finn

    P.S. I've been leaving comments a couple times a week the past couple of weeks. Let me know if you get this, please?? Think I will drop you a "e" just in case it still isn't working..*VBS*

  12. Oh Patti, it's a DAZZLER!!!

  13. Wow - beautiful quilt. I love scrappy! And what a great idea to keep your HSTs all ready to go for a new project. I should start doing that with all my leftovers!

  14. Triangles + scrappy = fantastic quilt. I just love it. Thanks also for your tips, I'm going to try 'popping' the seams next time I sew.

  15. Lately I love triangles. And this is a phenomenal quilt. Love it! /paula

  16. Phenomenal is right. I've always loved broken dishes and this one takes the cake! Simply wow!!

  17. I can't believe you have finished that scrumptious Broken Dishes top already!!!! It is so absolutely beautiful---I covet it!!!

  18. How very organized of you to have your 1/2 square triangles all done and in containers. I LOVE this quilt. I thought it was great when you shared pictures while you were piecing it and the final top looks wonderful.

    Sally Collins lectured at our guild today and reading your post about your methods reminded me some of her lecture. She does very intricate piecing on a small scale and her work is very precise. Her work was beautiful just not the type of quilts I want to make myself. I'm not sloppy with my piecing but neither am I that precise.

  19. Wow, so organized in those containers! Mine just end up in ziplock baggies.

    I really like the quilt top too! I've been playing on EQ, trying to use up all the bonus triangles from my sew and flip snowball blocks.

  20. Patti your quilt top turned out wonderful! It is simply amazing! And I"m overwhelmed at your boxes of HSTs! Baby!

  21. Wonderful quilt top! You are so organized. I'm lucky if, like Jane, I get them into baggies. Mostly they are in piles in the cabinet above my sewing machine.

  22. Wow! Awesome quilt and I'm amazed at how fast you seemed to have gotten it done! Your little scrap boxes are so nice and organized and neat...makes it easier to use them up when you need to, doesn't it? So many possibilities left!

  23. Wow, it is great! Love how bright it is!

  24. That is absolutely beautiful :) And my youre so organized I love it! xoxo melzie

  25. Applauding you Patti ! What a wonderful quilt this is. Very good pressing instructions too.

  26. Ohhh, your quilt is just beautiful! I'm amazed at how organised your containers are, just wonderful. You should definitely be proud of yourself!
