
Sunday, July 9, 2006

Cleaning part two

The basket contains some fabric to sell, plus a few ziploc bags of fabric. I'm selling all the rest of my Christmas fabric, all my silky, shiny fabrics for crazy quilts, muslin pieces, and some other oddball stuff. Also two kits I bought that I really don't want to make up. A few odds and ends also plus three rulers I don't use.

The two bottom shelves on this bookcase hold florals, ethnic fabrics, novelty fabrics, and some miscellaneous fabrics that don't fit anywhere else. The right hand stack on the bottom shelf plus the middle and right stack on the shelf above are all designated for the sale - at least for now.

The fabric baskets are all sorted and stacked nicely. All the little pieces that used to "live" to the right side in each basket have been put in the scrap box for cutting up. (After doing this I now have three more scrap totes!) I've sorted out fabric to sell, which is separated by an index card from what I want to keep, with some baskets labeled to sell everything.

The tall fabric shelf is sorted better and everything actually fits with nothing slopping over! I hope to sell enough fabric that the stacks of larger pieces can move to the baskets, making room for me to move the fabrics from beside the ironing board over to here. Then I can bring the solid cottons down from the bathroom upstairs!

I've also tossed in a picture of my 30's fabrics. I love these! I've been collecting 30's patterns and one of these days may actually get to use some of these!

Gratitudes for today:

1. A clean sewing room!

2. Bing cherries on sale so I can indulge in all I want to eat!

3. A husband who is satisfied with sandwiches or hot dogs for dinner.

4. Business casual dress at work in the summertime.

5. Fresh smelling clean laundry - especially sheets and towels



  1. WOW Everything is so neat and tidy.... (Envious does not begin to descibe my feelings...)

  2. WOW is right---so neat and tidy and everything in its place.

    I wish I could fly out and bring some of that surplus home with me but then I would have to clean and organize right after I got home myself. There is not much room to stick anything so I have to be selective with my purchases and the amounts.

  3. I agree with Amy, I'm drooling at the sight of all that fabric.

  4. Wow, and I thought I had a stash!

    So, are you selling this on eBay? If we bloggers bid, do we get a discount?

  5. I that I knew what a stash was.... I'm begining to think you don't have a stash but a small fabric store :-) really though, it looks beautifully user friendly so well tidied and folded.

  6. What a lot of fabric! I understand the need to have a stash, but if I had that much fabric I wouldn't know where to store it. Thank God for medium-sized apartments.

  7. You have been a busy girl. It looks great! Someday *heavy sigh* mine will be organized too.

  8. Ohhh my, that looks amazing! I am impressed by how organised you are. Did it take you a long time? You have such a wonderful selection of fabric, and with it all sorted out like that, it will be so easy to choose just the right piece for a project.

  9. call me green... I had to show this to my hubby to show him I REALLY didn't have much fabric...

  10. Be still my heart know how to shop. :o) I applaud you!

  11. I am in awe of your organization! Those lovely folded pieces of fabric look so inviting!

  12. How LONG have you been collecting fabric? My o My I can't believe how much you have!! You could shop for years and never come out!!

    WOW, I keep all mine behind a cabinet door, so I restricted by how much I can fit in a 2 bedroom condo!

  13. I"m coming shopping at your house!!!!! Baby! It is all so pretty nice and neat like that! OK, you don't even want to see my pile!

  14. After my last move that involved BOXES of fabric I swore I would bust my stash - and I am working on it! You have a great stash and very well organized - just hope you don't ever more because once you start boxing it up it just seems to grow and grow!



  15. I'm in awe!! Wonderful!!
