
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Two are caught up!

I'm very happy to report that I'm totally caught up through June with two of my Block of the Month projects. What a good feeling! The first picture shows Lori Smith's Heirloom Stitches, and the second is Jan Patek's mystery quilt. I have the blocks through May prepped for the third one - Jan Patek's Girl Gang quilt for this year - but as they are all needleturn appliqué it will be a little while before they will be finished.

This is going to be as "quilty" a weekend as I can make it, but right now I feel the urge to machine stitch instead of appliqué. I'm either going to get my string project back out, or work on cutting and stitching scraps, or start something with all the half square triangles I have sorted into various plastic shoeboxes. I'm also going to start going through my stash and pulling things that I'm no longer in love with. My favorite quilt shop, Momma Made It, has a "yard sale" every year the third Saturday in July. It's only $5 to rent a table, and we can sell anything sewing related we want to. So one of my Tangled Threads friends is going to get a table with me, and we'll see how much we can pass along to someone who will use it now. I know I have lots and lots I can pull to sell. That will help me pay the balance on my new featherweight cabinet, as well as give me breathing room on my stash shelves. I have lots of pretty ribbon left over from when I did bears and dolls, so I'll tie them all up pretty. The hardest thing to do is deciding on the price for each item. I don't want to give everything away, but I also want to price it low enough that it sells. If any of you have done this sort of thing before I would appreciate suggestions on how to price things.

Now I'm going to head to the shower and get dressed. Today is my daughter's 32nd birthday - how can I have a child that old? - so I'm taking her out to Starbucks for coffee. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


1. My weight is starting to drop!
2. Sunny blue skies
3. Boxes full of wonderful scraps
4. A clean cutting table
5. DVD's of wonderful old movies



  1. Congratulations on getting your blocks done! I am working on one BOM, and I am several months behind at this point. Maybe someday.. Too many quilts caling my name at the same time.
    The yard sale idea sounds great. I wish I lived near you so I could go.

  2. Oh, wow -- Heirloom Stitches is coming along beautifully!
    Jeanne :)

  3. Oh I just love those 2 quilts! And every stinkin time you post that mystery I get tempted! And here my husband keeps saying - NO, NO, NO, NO on any more sewing stuff! Oh but I love that mystery so far!

    Your Hierloom stitches is gorgeous also! I"m really loving it!

  4. congrats on getting caught up, Patti! Good feeling, I bet!

  5. I love both the BOM's and congratulations on being caught up!

    Judy L.

  6. Great quilts are you making.. mmm I love the fabrics you use!!!

  7. Love the quilts coming along!! Both those designers are wonderful!

    I love seeing other people wedding pictures. We often comment about how we looked 12 when we got married ages ago!! Nice family!

  8. a belated congrats on your wedding anniversary and hurray for losing a little weight...good job on catching up with your BOM'S and, hip hip hooray for being on vacation! happy camping...
