
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

This is the best!

Today is my first day of 8 days of vacation! I desperately needed a mental break, so on Monday I checked with my supervisor to see if it was OK if I added to the short vacation I'd planned around the holiday. Since I manage the department it was just a "courtesy question" - she doesn't care as long as I have the days accumulated. So here I am - with nothing to do but sew all day until about 5:00. Then I'm heading to the theatre to keep a place in the line for the new Superman. My DSIL is a superman addict - actually a super-heros addict - so the three of us are seeing the 6:45 show together. I enjoy these movies also, so it should be a nice evening. I'll take a good book - currently reading "Circle of Quilters" - and be happy as a clam waiting.

Today I'm feeding more triangles through the machine and watching the "leftovers" quilt grow. I sewed a lot of triangles Monday evening but didn't press anything. I didn't want to turn on the iron. We had a 101 degree day - shattered the old June 26th record of 90 - and it was about 85 in the house. I turned on only my machine light to also cut down on the heat. It was too hot to sleep so I sewed until later than usual, then dragged around work tired all day yesterday. It's much cooler now - low to mid 80's predicted - thank goodness!

Anyway, here are some pictures of my progress. Today I'll start by making the rest of the larger pieces into broken dishes blocks. I'm going to try adding one more row onto what is already done to make it slightly rectangular, then I think I'll surround that with a frame of red 1" to 1 1/2" wide. Then I'll see what a ring of the larger broken dishes blocks looks like. If I like how that looks I'll sew them on then try a second frame in either red again or maybe blue. Then I'll go back to the smaller blocks until I run out of them. Once I see how big that is I'll go from there. Probably won't get that all done today but between today and tomorrow I should make good progress. I can hardly wait to get started!


1. 8 days of vacation!
2. Cooler weather
3. An overflowing stash
4. The steady purr of my featherweight
5. My cordless Maytag iron



  1. looks like a great way to spend your holiday! enjoy the new superman movie

  2. Enjoy your vacations days, the movie and your scrap reduction :-) I am really looking forward to see your quilt coming together !

  3. OH fun, fun, fun! 8 days of sewing! I have to make it down to finish something!

  4. Oh Patti, it sounds like an absolutely *wonderful* day! And, just think, you got 7 more to fill just like that! :oD Enjoy!

  5. Thanks for popping into my blog-now we are introduced and I have the pleasure of seeing your blog! Your picture of the triangles makes me laugh because I have those fabrics too! The stripe in the upper left corner was a favorite of mine. I made a blouse for my daughter with that 20 years ago! I still have a small piece left and I love your broken dishes so maybe I should make a sister quilt! Also, your BOMs are fabulous! Hats off to you!

  6. Look out, machine, Patti is ready! Actually though you have already been making great progress on the HST's. This is going to be a top before you know it.

    Hope you have a wonderful, restorative time on your vacation.

    I've got "Circle of Quilters" on my night stand too but really have not had much time or inclination to want to read. AND the new Evanovich novel just arrived too.

  7. Bliss, can't think of a better way to spend your holiday - looking forward to seeing the results of your sewing

  8. All those triangles!

    I think it's going to look great when you're done. :)

  9. Loving your Broken Dishes. I am leaning towards that one for my nickel swap squares from my mini-group exchange. It's either that one or Thousand Pyramids. Seeing yours is making me want to do Broken Dishes!

  10. Patti, I'm loving that quilt. What a terrific way to use up scraps and such. Enjoy your much earned vacation - sew like the wind!

  11. That is an awesome quilt! Great way to get rid of the scraps. I am working on those as well but thinking of doing a crazy quilt.
