
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Catching up on BOM's

My goal for the weekend is to do as much catching up on my block of the month projects as I can. I spent last evening piecing two more blocks for Heirloom Stitches. I turned the radio to the Mariners game and stitched away happily, my featherweight purring like a kitten. I have another block to piece today, and an appliqué block to prep for stitching, and then I'll be all done through May other than doing the appliqué on the last block. The kit doesn't come in the mail until the end of the month, so I should be all caught up by the time it comes. I have a set of three blocks to piece for the mystery quilt - easy blocks - so will finish that today with no trouble. Then I'll get out my Girl Gang notebook and start catching up on It's a Wonderful Life. Lots of little appliqué blocks to prep for that one, but they are all pretty simple if I remember correctly. That prepping will be fun, because I'll get to dig in my stash and choose fabrics.


1. The sound of my featherweight humming away while I piece.
2. Getting to sleep in this morning
3. Pink knit pajamas
4. Well written, well researched historical fiction - currently reading The Queen's Fool by Phillipa Gregory.
5. Digital cameras



  1. Lovely blocks in really pretty fabrics - would also really recommend 'The Other Boleyn Girl' also by Phillipa Gregory if you haven't read that one

  2. Oh, the fabrics are just wonderful.
