
Monday, May 29, 2006


I finished my friend Kathi's quilt. I got a little carried away and put a bit more quilting on it that she probably intended me to, but that will be fine with her. I tried sewing flower tendrils but they looked stupid - I guess I'll have to look more closely at what they actually look like! I really like how it turned out. I sure hope she'll be pleased. My back, hands and feet sure hurt - this took half of yesterday and most of today to do. Hopefully I'll start to get faster at this one of these days.

I also finished the work for work that I brought home to do this weekend - at least everything that I'm going to do tonight. I have one more thing to create - a "contest" to provide and incentive to read the other documents before Thursday. I'll do that as soon as I get to work tomorrow.

Still can't work on my own things yet - I have to baste my friend Lanny's quilt for hand quilting. Probably won't get to that until next weekend. I guess I've got another customer quilt coming in also. Just when I think I can do something of my own . . . Murphy's Law I guess!


  1. Patti, that is a beautiful quilt. It just catches your eye immediatly.
    You do such wonderful work

  2. The quilting you have done on it looks really nice. You were very busy today!

  3. Really nice design and I love the quilting too

  4. hurray for getting that quilting done! sorry you are going to have to wait longer to get to your own quilting.

  5. Kathi's quilt is beautiful! She is going to love all the wonderful quilting you've done on it.

  6. It looks wonderful Patti! A bit cutsey for me - but the quilting is beautiful!

  7. What a lovely job! Your quilting is beautiful, and you "To Do" List inspires me to perhaps post some of my own projects...for accountability:) LOL
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. your friend made a gorgeous quilt and your quilting enhances it well. Hope some time opens up soon and you can get back to your own projects--even if it is just for a few hours.

  9. The posies are so pretty, and I like the fabric used for the sashings and border. I have a difficult time using florals!

    The quilting looks impressive - I've just gotten a new machine and can't wait to try some freehand quilting on it.

  10. Gorgeous quilt, gorgeous quilting!

  11. The quilt looks wonderful Patti, and I certainly can believe you would hurt(a lot!) after all that quilting. Hope it feels better soon, and that life slows down a bit, Hugs, Finn

  12. That is a lot of beautiful quilting in that top - I am sure your friend is going to be just thrilled when she sees it!



  13. the quilting looks great- hope your aches have let up!

  14. That's a beautiful quilt and the quilting really adds to it!

    Judy L.

  15. Very nice quilting and you did a great job quilting it, I'm sure your friend is going to love it!

  16. Looking very good! The quilting is perfect!

  17. Give yourself a pat on the back for this one!
