
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Completion: Around the Twist

A quick post tonight before heading to bed. I'm happy to report a finished UFO! I finished stitching on the binding while watching the baseball game. This Around the Twist is a quilt I'd never make today - it has only three fabrics, and pretty boring fabrics at that. In 1992, however, it made a great demonstration sample for a beginning quilting class I was teaching at Daisy Kingdom. This year it was a great top to practice my quilting on. I'll keep this and donate it to the Northwest Medical Teams quilt auction next November. I'm getting more and more comfortable with my machine, I'm happy to say. I've still got a long way to go, but I don't feel like a rank beginner any more. I like the stippling on the background outside the blocks, but I wish I'd not stippled around the flowers inside the twist. It makes them look like disjointed petals rather than flowers. And the long leaves on the sides are too narrow at the base. Fewer leaves with wider bases - like the corner leaves - would have looked better. But altogether I'm pretty happy with it - I've learned some things and will do better next time.

Tomorrow I head north about 2.5 hours to Federal Way - just south of Seattle - for a meeting for work. I'll get home about 5:30 - just in time for a fast bite to eat before heading out for my third Pre-1830's Medallion Class. I'm so eager to see what new things she has to teach us this month. I didn't get my center together yet - hopefully this next month.


1. Seeing our tent trailer parked back in the driveway.
2. Reservations for a weekend camping trip just before the Fourth of July with all our kids
3. The love in our dog's eyes when we return home.
4. Peanut butter and chocolate ice cream
5. Business casual dress until Labor Day



  1. Lovely quilting!

  2. Hey, I like it!

    Even if it's old to you, it's not to anyone else. And the quilting's great! I even like the fabric - makes me think of a book where they called paisley fabric 'persian pickle'. :)

  3. Wow, it looks great - that is ALOT of quilting you put on this top! I have been tossing around doing a Twist - I have been saving the pattern for YEARS so I must like it (through many moves!). In anycase, I really like yours.



  4. Your quilting is long have you had your machine? The quilt looks great...old or not! :o)


  5. hurray for another finished ufo! And a wonderful donation to make too.

  6. Great quilting Patti! I love when quilts are quilted heavily.

  7. Oooooh, peanut butter-chocolate ...
    Jeanne :)

  8. Oh Patti - what a great way to use this old top - great practice for quilting yet going to a good cause! Very fun! I LOVE heavy quilting!

  9. It looks good! Might not be choices you would make today but it is fine. Good one to practice on if it was not a big favorite.

  10. Your quilting looks fabulous. And I enjoyed your gratitude #3.

  11. Your quilt looks very good - not old at all - and the quilting is very nice ! I like the quilt pattern very much. Have made a miniature once. Hmmm - maybe I should think about doing a larger version...... This quilt will bring joy and comfort to it's new owner.

  12. I think those are awesome colors. Fabulous! Congrats on getting it all finished up! It's a good feeling, isn't it? :)

  13. Hi Patti, I'm new to the Mavericks and just moving around the ring today. I like the quilting very much, but I to would get bored without more colors!!

    Very pretty though!

  14. The quilting looks great, and even if you'd not choose to start it today, you did a great job finishing it. Those are always the hardest to finish, for me anyway, so, I am very impressed!

  15. Hi Patti, a real blast from the Past...LOL. I was teaching Around the Twist about that same time...oh ya, the good ole days!

    It's a great quilt to practice your quilting on. Unfortunately way back then, I hand quilted mine...LOL

  16. I love your quilting. And what a perfect top to get some good practice on. It's really hard to practice on plain muslin-no inspiration at all. I think it looks great.
