
Friday, May 5, 2006

Alone and far away

Sunday is my 59th birthday. Birthdays are special family times for us. We get together with our children, have a wonderful meal, and play games together a good share of the day. However this Sunday I'll be hundreds and hundreds of miles away from my family.

Tomorrow at 6:05 a.m. I fly out of Portland, Oregon to Dallas, Texas for a conference for work. I come back on Thursday. I had no idea how much it would bother me to be gone - after all, does it really matter which day I spend with my family celebrating? Apparently it does, because I really wish I weren't going. There will be about 15,000 people at the conference - but there won't be anyone who's special to me. Once I get there I'll be with two colleagues that I see three times a year at state council meetings - women I like and enjoy. But they aren't my family. I'm feeling a big emptiness inside knowing I'll be so far from everyone I love. Once I get there I'm sure I'll be fine - I'll be attending seminar sessions morning, afternoon and some evenings - but right now it feels very lonely.

I'm taking several appliqué blocks for keeping busy on the plane and at down times in the hotel. I'm not one who enjoys sitting around a pool and sunning - I'm much too conscious of the dangers of skin cancer. And I hate hot weather! My northwest-grown webbed feet start to dry out! I hope I have enough blocks prepared. I think that's the worry of any quilter who's going on vacation - do I have enough prepared to keep me busy until I come home?

I'll miss everyone when I'm gone, and will have a lot of catching up to do when I get back. Unfortunately I'm sure I won't be able to visit any quilt stores in Dallas - especially as I won't have a car.


  1. We'll miss you when you are gone, but I am sure you'll learn a lot at your conference. Happy Birthday, ahead of time! Reading, gardening and quilting are my three main hobbies as well.

  2. Happy Birthday Patti!!! I am sorry you will not be with those you love, and I am sure they will be sad as well. Thank goodness for cellphones...a cheap subsitute, I know...but hearing their voices might brighten your special day a little.

  3. Well Happy Birthday from me anyway. It will be sad to be gone, but I bet your kids will have a great time with you when you get back!

  4. Happy Birthday early - I hope it is a good one. Coming from someone who grew up in Southeast Texas (close to Houston) and transplanted to the northwest for a couple of years, I would still dry out myself.

  5. Too danged humid to completely dry out--does that help? Happy Birthday early--your family can't assemble tomorrow for an early celebration with you? They will probably miss you as much you miss them, Patti.

    Hope your time together with the colleagues will pick up the slack when you aren't at the seminars.

  6. Happy Birthday Patti! I hope that your family has a wonderful celebration with you when you return.

  7. {{{Oh, Patti}}} We'll be thinking about you! Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy birthday! My Mom taught me YEARS ago to buy myself some nice present for myself for my own present and that no matter where I am or who I am with, I can celebrate my own day! And I do! But I hear you, I too like to spend my birthday with my family.

    I'm like you - I think about the sun and sunburn - so I try to avoid it lots!

    Good luck with your piecing.



  9. Happy Birthday. I've gotten used to celebrating special days before or after - my husband travels a lot and somehow it always seems to fall on my birthday, an aniversary or some other day I wished he was home.

    I just got back from a trip and although I didn't *sun* by the pool - I found a nice shady spot and read. It was nice for a change. I also took my knitting and threw in a couple extra skeins of yarn because I knew I would need a new project. That's one of the reasons I like to travel with knitting or crochet - no prep work.

  10. It's Sunday the 7th of May Patti, sending birthday hugs and well wishes your way. Sorry you have to be away on your special day, Hugs, Finn

  11. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy borthday dear Patty, Happy birthday to you!

    (did you hear all of us Mavericks singing to you!)

    Hope your trip is going well!


  12. Happy birthday!!!

  13. Happy belated birthday! Have a GREAT after birthday party when you get home! (I've been know to string mine along....)

  14. SO sorry that you have to be away from home for your b-day. That's just not fair!
    Happy Birthday...and MANY more! :oD

  15. Just popping in again to say I hope your birthday wasn't too bad! Can't wait for you to come back!

  16. Happy Happy Birthday! Hope you get to make up for lost time when you get home!

  17. Oh, I'm sorry you're feeling blue . . although I'm sure it's all history now since I'm so late in reading your blog. I do find it funny that things we think wouldn't bother us really do bother us. Living so far from my family, there have been several times when I've just burst into tears over things that shouldn't be a big deal and wouldn't be a big deal if I were close but being so far away just seems to compound things.

    I can see where you would want to be home with your family on your birthday. Hopefully, you won't have to miss being there with them again on this special day!

    Judy L.
