
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sunny Saturday

Finished another UFT. I was reading a blog where the author called a finished top a "flimsie". I like that! Abandoned another one from a class I took at least 15 years ago. It was a "Through the Year with Sunbonnet Sue" block that consisted of two fabrics stitched together to make the background and a tree trunk partly stitched on. All three fabrics were fabrics I'd not use today - not the best quality for one thing. So I tossed that block out and recycled the copy paper patterns that have since been published in book format (I have the book). That's two more off my list!


1. Loving spouses for both my children
2. Weekends
3. Starbucks on a Saturday morning with my daughter
4. New spring green leaves against a clear blue sky
5. Blooms on my out-of-sinc Thanksgiving cactus



  1. I also have a couple of Thanksgiving cacti that seem to always bloom in the spring. It's nice to see the beautiful red blooms when the rest of the plant seems sort of ragged!

  2. Good for you for finishing one and tossing one! I think I'm getting close to being able to toss a few too.

    Judy L.

  3. Maybe... the Thanksgiving cactus is really an Easter cactus... well, maybe it thinks so! Congrats on finishing something. Wish I could say the same!

  4. I too like changing my mind and either tossing it or changing is so nice to cross those off the list and feel like you are moving on! so glad you were able to use your daughter's computer and catch up with us...fingers crossed that your computer is soon back working correctly.

  5. two off the list is good progress !
    I like Starbucks with my daughter too.

  6. I need to go through my projects and start tossing also. I think Holly started something here!

  7. sometimes tossing is the best use for early projects...
