
Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Spring pictures

Nothing quilty to write about. I've not been home long enough to sew since Sunday. And right now any sewing time I find I will need to spend doing customer quilts. One is all loaded and I've stitched in the ditch around most of the inner border. I'm totally stumped as to how to quilt most of it. I have ideas, but they are all beyond my beginner skills.

My Tangled Threads quilt group saw a marvelous play last night instead of having our regular meeting. Crowns is a story based on the book "Crowns: Portraits of Black Women in Church Hats". Quoting from the book description, "photographer Michael Cunningham beautifully captures the self-expressions of women of all ages-from young glamorous women to serene but stylish grandmothers. Award-winning journalist Craig Marberry provides an intimate look at the women and their lives." The first link takes you to a summary of the story that's written so much better than I any I could write. The second link takes you to the book the play was based on. The black gospel church music sung by the cast was absolutely incredible. If you have the chance to see it be sure not to miss it.

I like to put at least one picture with every post, so I'll leave you with some photos of spring flowers that I took in our front yard at 6:30 yesterday morning before I left for work. My camera battery needed recharging, so it actually looks darker than it really was. The top photo shows our crab apple just beginning to blossom, with grape hyacinths blooming in profusion under it. The next picture is a close-up of tiny blue Grecian windflowers and new peony shoots, as well as iris leaves and other perennials. The last photo shows snow on the mountain and grape hyacinths next to the driveway. (Please ignore the grass and weeds - unfortunately the only times I've been home to work outside it's been raining.) I love spring flowers.


  1. oh..we are set to go see Crowns Friday night...figured it would be a great musical to see locally.
    glad to hear your review.

  2. Sounds like you had a great time, Patti! Thanks for sharing pictures of the lovely yard you are viewing/tending.

  3. Love the grape hyacinths! It even looks like you have a plan in the garden - not like mine that is whatever grows, whereever it wants to plan! LOL! Thanks for the hint of spring!

  4. Lovely pictures. Here the bulbs are a month to late. We see the sun but it is still so cold brrrr...
