
Monday, March 20, 2006

You mean I can choose only 25?

What are the top 25 quilts that are on my "To Do" list that I want to make? Argh!!!! How can I ever narrow down the choices to 25!

I was reading through the Stash Quilts ring while eating my lunch here at work, I saw Jeanne's response to Evelyn's challenge. So I went back to Evelyn's page and scrolled down to find the challenge. Somehow I missed it while I was catching up on my blog reading last night. So, looking for an excuse to delay going back to work I decided to see how many I can put on the list from memory. Shouldn't be too hard - remember, I'm the quilter with a spread sheet of 58 PIGS! The hardest part will be deciding what order to do them in. And I'm NOT going to include any of my UFO's on the list.

1. November's Song by Jan Patek - a kit all ready to go
2. Home Sweet Home by the Blackbird ladies - a BOM that I've not yet started
3. Quilting the Garden by the Blackbird ladies - I have the fabrics all stacked and ready for this one.
4. Samples from the Past by the Blackbird ladies - I know just what colors I want to use
5. Tulip Garden by the Blackbird ladies
6. Birthday Rose by Jan Patek - a kit all ready to go
7. Liberty Eagle by Jan Patek - a kit all ready to go
8. Anniversary Stars, a scrap quilt designed by Evelyn Sloppy - fabrics chosen and ready to go
9. New Century Garden by Cherie Ralston and Karla Menaugh - for learning invisible machine applique - a kit all ready to go
10. Pineapple Tidbits by The Buggy Barn - a kit all ready to go
11. Millenium Garden by Jan Patek
12. Garden Botanical by Robyn Pandolph - background all ready to go
13. through 25. Twelve "Celebrate" quilts by Lori Smith - a wallhanging for every month - kits all ready to go

And that is just the beginning. I know I've left off lots of important ones. There are quilts on Bonnie's Quiltville site. Antique quilts in my quilt search books I want to recreate. Classic quilt patterns I want to do again. And many, many more.

Picking only 25 is impossible!


  1. good for you for choosing...i can't bring myself to do it! LOL

  2. Only 57??? I have 75 UFOs not including a few PIGS!!!! Just take a deep breath and pick one to do. I'm working on just one at the moment, but have got another 3 ready for quilting, so it is possible LOL

  3. My list is staying in my head because it changes too much to write it down. By the time I get to start something new I've changed my mind several times.

    Even with my UFO's I listed 15 and stopped. I keep finding more all the time but that's OK because I've finished 8 since January!

  4. Your list is awesome. Some great quilts there, a few I recognize on my yet unpublished list, too!

  5. I can't even make a list either! I feel like a list will "fence me in" or I'll forget something really important! What I'm going to work on is a day to day decision :c)


  6. I had this vision in my mind of 58 little pink cartoon pigs with curly tails all lined up in Excel. What is a PIGS? That is completely new to me. I wonder if I have any?

  7. Heehee -- another member of the Patek/Blackbird club! :)
    No,no, lists don't confine us. Twenty-five (or fifty, as the case may be) is just a reminder, an INSPIRATION of all the wonderful thigs we'll make someday ...
    Jeanne :)

  8. Oh Patti...not only do you have some awesome quilts listed, but you aleady have the KITS FOR THEM!!! *green with envy* :oP

    Questions for you- November's Song...was that in one of Jan's books or a GG pattern? I love the quilt.
    Samples from the past....I never heard/seen this one! What book? Sounds beautiful!

    I've strongly considered the "Celebrate" quilts from Lori....but refuse to commit until I get more UFO's done.

    Wonderful you have me thinking on what mine would be! :o)

  9. Great list! I can't work with a list exactly, but I do have an inspiration list... Good luck on yours!

  10. Wow another list to ponder... Are you hand appliqueing all of your applique projects? I am currently prepareing the appliques for one of my hand applique projects - there are more & more on my list that will be fused! (or I will never get done!)

  11. These are in addition to the 58 PIGS you have? Do you already have fabric for all 25 of these quilts?

    Coming up with 25 is kinda mind boggling for me right now. I can't think past tomorrow!

    Judy L.

  12. I see the Blackbird ladies is one of your favorites - so I will have to go internet searching later today to check them out. I am thinking they are applique as you also list Patek projects. Jeanne is inspiring me to TRY some simple applique over the summer while I sit outside and watch Little Boy play.

    And I am impressed, you already have so many of them already in kits and ready to go!

    I have 2 lists - the top 25 and then the rest... but I am doing a little re-arranging of my lists this week - getting ready for a big trip to Keepsake Quilting! And, an Evelyn Sloppy book has just been added to my list too - I have heard so many good things about her patterns! A Buggy Barn book is already on my list - can't wait to flip through them and pick one during my shopping spree!

    I don't think lists keep me fenced in - they help keep me focused and I know I can change them around, as needed/desired. Never know when you need a sudden baby quilt or wedding quilt or what have you.



  13. It is so impossible to pick 25 I refused to do it!
