
Saturday, March 4, 2006

Progress - slowly but surely

I put my "It's a Wonderful Life" prepped blocks up on my design wall so I could refer to them when I'm choosing additional fabrics. I decided to take a quick picture of them to show you. A couple of them aren't in the exact places they will be in the quilt - the top house and baskets are actually higher with additional blocks in between, and the winter house is actually farther to the right with a strip of star blocks on the left. I get a good feel for how things are looking even though parts are missing - so I threw them all up there anyway. Four stars to piece, and one more house to prep, then I'll be all caught up with the patterns that I've received. Aside from the fact that lots of appliqué still needs to be done. Minor details, right?


  1. What a neat quitl. Is that a BOM?


  2. Forget my last post .. I read the previous day's entry and answered my own question.

    Have you ever mixed felted wool and ultrasuede before? That is going to be so dimensional. I wonder why we so often limit ourselves to just plain cotton.

    Judy L.

  3. Patti, you amaze me by getting so much done. Someday I will try applique, I really will and you will be the inspiration for me to try !

  4. you sure got a lot of prep done! I hope your flight goes well and you are able to stitch and not stress out. I truly admire your love of applique.

  5. Looks great, Patti! I have to get mine out and get cracking on this month's block!
    Have a good trip!

  6. Beautiful blocks Patti, I love the homespun quality of them and your fabric choices. I'm sure the applique is beautiful as get sooo much done!!

  7. Love them all - not something I would have chosen ordinarily, but after seeing these, they could be something in my "dreams".

  8. I love your choose of fabrics . Special the plaids. from wich manufacturer so you buy the plaids??

  9. very minor details... (I love the way 1 pumpkin is straddleing the blocks...)

  10. as ong as you're enjoying it, the details wont be drudgery but a welcome chance to drool... :-)
