
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oh dear! More UFO's!

I can't believe it - I found three more UFO's that aren't on my list! And none of them are at the finished top stage! I've added them to the list in my sidebar. I have a sinking feeling there is still another one too - I seem to remember another project I started in a class that I know has not been finished. I'll check that out when I get home. The good news is that I'm now finding time to work on these along with my BOMs. I'm hoping to get at least one of them to the finished top stage this weekend. I have a customer quilt that I must finish this weekend, and another customer quilt to load onto Gandalf, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have for my own projects.

Time to get to work - my class arrives in less than 30 minutes.


  1. I did not know that you were taking customer quilts... I thought Gandalf was to help you finish your stuff...

  2. Oh my heart goes out to you for finding another pesky UFO!! I tell ya, I'm convinced that those things BREED like rabbits when put away for a bit! :oP

  3. Now - if it is a not at the top finished stage is that a UFO or a PIGS? LOL

  4. oh well, they do hide on you...hope the class went well.

  5. oh no, more ufos? they're so sneaky! good luck!

  6. Patti,
    LOL...UFO's are sly aren't they? ;o)

  7. I stopped looking for UFO's -they'll find me eventually but I only listed 15 and I feel like I'm making real progress since I've finished 7 so far this year.

  8. Don't you hate finding UFOs. Pick one and show us a pic in progress - we will cheer you on!!!!

  9. Oh those UFOs!!! They just keep a popping up! Just when you have them all under control, named and counted....they seem to shuffle and reveal yet another one...LOL

    Happened to me in Feb. Finished 2 that I found weren't on the list..too fun! Glad you are finding time to work on them. I'm happy to have finished up 9 so far in 2006! Huge improvement!!

  10. Patti,

    I wrote about you and your site on my online quilting column. I love the goals you set for 2006 and your quilts are wonderful. Check it out if you have a minute or
    Gina Halladay
