
Monday, February 20, 2006

UFT to the finished top stage!

Finished sewing together the 2005 Jan Patek mystery quilt. I really wanted to get this one together before my next installment of the 2006 mystery quilt comes in the mail. What a good feeling to add another finished top to my stack of tops to quilt. It would be better of course if they were all quilted, but this is still making progress. It's going to be so much fun to mark that one off my list!

I'm posting pictures of both the finished top and some of the blocks I really like. I particularly like the pinwheel block. Not sure why - I usually don't care for asymmetrical things - but I really like it. I want to do a whole scrappy quilt of pinwheel blocks like this one. I also like the pieced basket. I like the fact that the basket is made of three different prints. I think it would make a great quilt also.

Now on to piecing some of my Heirloom Stitches blocks. Both January and February mailings are here - and I really want to have those six blocks finished before the next one gets here!


  1. Your mystery quilt is gorgeous! You do beautiful work!

  2. awesome quilts! thanks for sharing!

  3. Very pretty top! I've never done any of Jan Patek's patterns but I love what I'm seeing.

    Judy L.

  4. The mystery quilt is wonderful. How does the mystery quilt work? It sort of looks like a Sampler quilt. Do you chose the fabrics? How do you sign up? Do you have to finish one block before you get the next? I have done mystery quilts in a day as a workshop, but never by mail. The quilt is great and I really like the colours. I'm a big fan of reds and burgandys and blues.

  5. Well, my favorite is the piece with the initials and the year - of course, I love the whole quilt, too. Thanks for reminding me about the quick and easy quilt as you go baby quilt with the strips. I need to sit down and make a few of these too!

  6. Love your mystery top! I hadn't seen a color pic of it finished before. You know I'm a Jan Patek fan too :)

  7. Patti it looks great! I wish I had signed up for this one. I just worried I would have another UFO. You did good!

  8. Fabulous quilt! I love her work - and you did a great job with it!

  9. Oh I love this quilt!!! It truly is wonderful - look at those itty, bitty pieces in some of the blocks - wow!



  10. The newly finished sampler looks wonderful. I do love those blocks..and I am in complete agreement about the pinwheels..they are great!!

    very impressed with your quilty weekend..that's alot of ironing!!! And the blocks look great too!

  11. What a great quilt with some lovely and unusual blocks - you did a fantastic job :-) This will be a fun one to quilt too. I really like all the colours too.

  12. Patti, the Patek mystery quilt looks wonderful. What a contrast to the fabrics in the previous post too! The basket block is unusual--I don't think I have ever seen one with as many half square triangles.
