
Wednesday, February 1, 2006

A red and white month?

I can't believe Valentine's Day is in less than two weeks. Where is 2006 flying to? The older I get the faster time flies.

I have two quilts I put out for Valentine's Day. The first one is a class sample that seems so boring to me now because the fabrics are so limited. But it works for the holiday so I hang it up until I get around the make something better.
The second quilt is a nine patch with hearts appliquéd in the alternate blocks. I guess I'll need to take a picture of that one.

I fell in love with a red and white quilt at our guild's 2004 quilt show. I've been collecting red and white fabrics ever since so I could make one for myself. I have a big basket full now - maybe this month would be a good time to start it. I think I'll choose a different block - if I do baskets I know there are blocks I like better than this one. I think I'd set them on point also so the baskets aren't "tilted". I just love how fresh and crisp this looks - like redwork. It'll be a perfect Valentine's quilt someday.

It's late - I need to get to bed. 5:00 a.m. comes early!


  1. The red baskets quilt is great! I haven't met a basket block I didn't like yet! :c)


  2. Love this quilt too, of my favorite quilt blocks...
    thanks for sharing the pix and glad your part of the QMavericks now!!!!

  3. Love that red & white basket quilt - very cute!!

  4. I can see why you love that red and white basket quilt's awesome. I like your little hearts quilt, no reason on to use it, Valentine's Day is such a brief holiday. The 9 patch on the chair looks wonderful too. Will be excited to see a full picture of it..*S*

  5. I love those red and white baskets! Are you really going to make one? That is so pretty!!

  6. I like the baskets too.

    Scrappy reds and beiges are one of my favorite combinations - I do throw a few whites and creams into the mix too.

  7. I too have a good size collection of reds and whites, just waiting for me to know what to do with them. (something more advanced than a 9 patch )
    I like the baskets.

  8. Hi Patti!

    I just found a link to here & realized I know you!! Hope life is well

    pat sloan

  9. Red is my favorite color Patti! These baskets are superb! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see what you come up with for your own someday.
