
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Rats and double rats!

They've removed the "S" word from our weather forecast. Now Friday is supposed to be windy and sunny with a high of 32 degrees. Apparently something is either holding the warm moist air off the coast of causing it to go to the north or south of us.

They promise me snow at least 2-3 times a winter but it hardly ever happens. Rats and double rats!

I guess the plants will be happier. :-)


  1. sorry Patti I love the snow too, just love it when it makes the world slow down and enjoy the home and family.
    Most of our snow from Sunday, 18 plus inches has melted....already!
    crazy weather this winter here in NJ....55 today

  2. I'm surprised -- I figured you'd get lots of snow. Sorry you're not getting what you hoped for.

    Judy L.

  3. Thats ok Patti, you can still do what I'm doing tomorrow. We are suppose to get *S* tonight too so I brought my laptop home and I'm working from home "weather" it *S*s or not!

  4. Patti,
    LOVE your snow pics! The quilts are great as well! ;o)

  5. Sorry about your lack of snow. My foot of snow melted in 4 days here in NY. We were in the 50s now back in the 20s, all within 6 days. I guess the only thing we can count on is that the weather will surprise us.
