
Sunday, January 29, 2006

A mostly quilty day

Three hours that I could have been quilting were spent at my work winter party last night. Not all wasted - the food was good and I won a $15 Starbucks gift card. I can certainly use that, even though I should really stay away from there. Starbucks is largely responsible for the fact that in the last 3 years I've put back on most of the 37 pounds I worked so hard to loose. Certainly not my fault, right?

Today I have to do the state sales tax report for my little longarm business, as it's due to be mailed by Tuesday. Shouldn't take all that long thank goodness. Then I'm free to quilt for the rest of the day. I need to piece three star blocks for my Girl Gang quilt so I can post a picture of my progress for my online group on Wednesday. I'd like to get the applique pieces for next month prepped also. I want to piece the first two blocks for Heirloom Stitches and get the applique for the third one totally prepped. I want to finish prepping the applique for the rest of the Jan Patek mystery. Got September's and October's blocks finished yesterday, so that leaves only two. I will probably start sewing the sashings onto the 10 that are already finished. That's a lot to do - hopefully I can get to most of it. I'm totally out of ready-to-do handwork, and with the Super Bowl coming up next Sunday I must be ready. Our town has had a "national championship drought" for far too long. Since our Mariners blew it in 2001 it's now up to our Seahawks. I know they are the underdogs but I have faith in this great team.

I was going to post pictures but blogger is being uncooperative so I'll save them for another time.


  1. I hear you Patti, by the time we got back home last night, doing quilty stuff just meant ripping out this am. yes, starbucks can be dangerous to adding back pounds!
    good luck on getting hand work prepped-sounds like you have plenty to tackle today-hope you get lots done once the boring paperwork is done

  2. More power to you if you can do handwork while watching the game.... I haven't really tried to sew during a game, rememebring much to vividly my mother having to tear out many many inches of knitting she'd done during a fairly intense game -- her tension so clearly spoke of who was ahead and how securily from moment to moment! I'm afraid I'd just break the thread, or sew the wrong pieces together being so distracted...
